BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Oct 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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TESTIMONIES OF REAL-LIFE The Wonder- Working Blood of Jesus I recently called for the prayer of agreement for healing. My daughter had breast cancer fi ve years ago and had one breast removed; she was 29 years old. The latest mammogram was done and they saw something in her other breast. Three di erent imaging tests were ordered. We got a letter afterward that said she is clear and has no signs of cancer. Praise God! Thank you for praying with me and helping me to learn how to pray with the authority I have been given. To God be the glory. D.E. | California Good Ground Yields Good Fruit I have been watching VICTORY Channel for about two years and also receiving the monthly magazine; as well as other literature by request. I see a change in my spiritual life because of some of the things that I have learned by watching and listening to various teachings. I.A. | South Carolina Vows Restored I called for prayer months ago for my daughter and son- in-law. They wanted to get a divorce; now they're back together serving the Lord. D.A. | Ohio 'The Pain Is GONE!' I am 64 years old, and work as an EMT. For the past year, my lower back has been bothering me. At times, the pain gets so bad I cannot walk and need to sit down. This morning, when I got off work, I came home and turned on my laptop to watch segments of the Believer's Voice of Victory TV broadcasts. I also turned on VICTORY Channel and God Wants You Well was on. As I was watching, Kenneth had a word of knowledge that someone was sitting at their computer with lower back pain. He said, "Stand up from your desk and praise The LORD for your healing." Well, I did just that. I had been reading and confessing healing scriptures for months. Today, the pain is GONE! PRAISE THE LORD. God is good, all the time! J.F. | Wyoming He Perfects What Concerns Us Praise God, I have been believing God for a breakthrough in my career for the past three years. I decided to contact the KCM prayer line last year and was prayed for. Just recently, God blessed me with a good job that comes with career growth. Hallelujah—to God alone be the glory! Indeed, He is faithful. N.U. | Nigeria 1 4 : B V O V A Double Miracle! A week apart, both of my parents were hospitalized—a trying time for my faith. I sent my prayer request to Morning Prayer on VICTORY Channel. My father's biopsy for cancer was negative, a remarkable miracle! My mother was also released— breathing on her own without an oxygen tank and able to use a walker without assistance. Free Indeed! I was in prison for over 27 years and while in, Kenneth and Gloria taught me everything I now know about the Word of God. They are my spiritual father and mother. Their prayers and love for me helped me survive inside the wire. I was released last year, and I Take That Step of Faith I called the prayer line because I was having sharp pain in the back of my knee. Not even a minute after prayer, the Holy Spirit told me to get up and walk. So, I stood up and the fi rst step was a lot better, then on the second step the pain was totally gone! M.D. | Ohio "I read about how God feeds the birds and clothes the grass of the field, and I thought, If He cares about them, He cares about me!" —Gloria Copeland wanted them to know that I am as free physically as I am spiritually. Thank you all at KCM, for all your love and prayers throughout the years. Jesus is Lord! D.S. | Texas I thank God for her full recovery and wholeness. This is my testimony to the glory of Abba. He always hears us. M.O. | Illinois 'Words of Life' Brother Copeland has preached words of life from God's Word that have given me great insight into faith, the Word and who Jesus is. God bless, and blessings on your family and ministry. T.W. | North Carolina

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