BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Oct 2024

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there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?" How long are you slack to possess that headquarters building? The word slack in the Hebrew means, "idle, slothful, lazy, slow to move and negligent." Wow! I don't want to be described as any of those words. Verse three in The Message says, "How long are you going to sit around on your hands, putting o… taking possession of the land that GOD, the God of your ancestors, has given you?" Taking Back, Moving Forward! By faith, we are going to take back the World Headquarters of Kenneth Copeland Ministries! We are going to aggressively take back and possess what originally belonged to us. I am very pleased to report that the new parking lot and grand entrance have been completed. And it is beautiful! Praise God! In addition, we are rejoicing that we have the fi nances to pay for the fi rst phase of the interior. Glory! So, work recently began on the north side of the second fl oor. Walls have come down and the old is being torn out. Hallelujah! Seventy sta… members will be in their new "home" by the end of the year! After that, we have fi ve more phases to go and our HQ project will be completed. We are prepared to complete this building one phase at a time. But by faith, we are calling the entire building complete in Jesus' Name! With enough fi nances in hand, we can work on more and be done sooner. Here is the scripture we are standing on for the seven phases. Proverbs 6:31 in the Amplifi ed Bible, Classic Edition says, "But if he (the thief ) is found out, he must restore seven times [what he stole]; he must give the whole substance of his house [if necessary—to meet his fi ne]." We are taking back what the devil stole from us. And he has to pay us enough to totally complete the seven phases (exterior and six interior phases). We are possessing our land…and so are you! What has the devil robbed from you? What land do you need to go in and possess? What has the devil "kicked you out of " that belongs to you? Whatever it is, I encourage you right now—get aggressive with your Bulldog Faith and take back what the devil has stolen from you! Join us, and together we will take it all back—in Jesus' Name! have insurance? Absolutely. And that was a help. But insurance only covers damage specifi c to the ice storm. It doesn't cover replacing anything with upgrades. However, we know The LORD is our Source, not insurance. This ministry, as you know, tithes and gives, so our faith seed is sown. The plans for the newly designed World Headquarters of Kenneth Copeland Ministries are done and we have made some progress. But it was too slow to please The LORD. A few months ago, I was praying over the headquarters building. You see, many of the sta… members remain squeezed together in other buildings. They are still working in the conditions brought on by the 2021 storm. We had inadvertently acclimated to our "squeeze." Clearly, The LORD told me to begin renovating the building. This is a faith project and you need to activate your faith to get it done! Now! Apparently, we were so busy keeping The WORD going out that we had allowed the situation to "normalize." Thank God, He woke us up! He then said, The devil kicked you out of that building. It is time to TAKE BACK WHAT THE DEVIL STOLE FROM YOU! This is the scripture The LORD led me to read. Joshua 18:1-3 says, "And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them. And B V O V : 1 3 George Pearsons is the CEO of Kenneth Copeland Ministries and senior pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church, located in Texas. For information or ministry materials, go to i For the latest updates, visit For the latest

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