BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Sept 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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1 0 : B V O V myself in our little garage. By the end of that seven-day period, exactly what The LORD had said came to pass. The WORD had become the solid foundation of my life. The WORD changed my thinking. It revolutionized the way I saw things. I still didn't know much, but what I did know was embedded so deeply that you couldn't beat it out of me with a bat. From that time on, faith became my way of life. I didn't live by faith just now and then when I found myself in a crunch. I did it every day." The VICTORY Channel Vision The vision of VICTORY Channel is designed to create an atmosphere of faith through total immersion in God's WORD. It is a powerful group of ministers—all teaching, training and preaching nothing but the uncompromising Word of Faith—24/7! You will never hear a discouraging word on VICTORY Channel. That is exactly what we need, to be able to walk in a constant state of victory over all the craziness we are seeing in the world in these end times. People are desperate. They are overwhelmed, and they need help. VICTORY Channel provides the answers necessary to not just survive, but thrive. A Major Investment Almost 10 years ago, when VICTORY Channel began, the question was posed to Brother Copeland: "Should we charge our programmers the airtime?" We received a very clear and resounding answer: "Absolutely not! The KCM Partners will subsidize the airtime for all the programmers." When you sow into VICTORY Channel, you are actually investing into more than 35 ministries—each which is fulfilling its assignment to get the Word of God to many people, some who may be just barely hanging on. However, as these people become totally immersed in the Word of God through VICTORY Channel, they begin to grow, mature in faith and learn how to overcome the issues they face. To date, we have received testimony after testimony revealing how lives have been transformed through VICTORY Channel. i George Pearsons is CEO of Kenneth Copeland Ministries and senior pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church, located on the grounds of KCM. For more information or ministry materials go to that in the last days perilous times shall come." The Greek word for perilous is defined as "di¤cult, dark, dangerous, furious, fierce, hard to take, troublesome, savage and tough." The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition tells us, "But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]." These are unsettling times in the Church, the nation and the world. But not for those who choose to live by and exercise strong faith in God's WORD. Strong Faith for the End Times How exactly do we develop a "strong faith for the end times"? We do it through a process called "total immersion." Here's what Kenneth Copeland once said about this process: "When I first began learning about faith as a student at Oral Roberts University, I needed major results fast. I jumped in at the 100% level. I used a technique I'd read about that the U.S. government used to train translators during World War II called 'total immersion.' "At the beginning of the war, there wasn't time for translators to become fluent at the normal rate. To speed up the process, they were surrounded 100% with the language they were learning. Research proved if they didn't hear or speak anything but that language, it literally made new grooves in their brains and they became fluent in six weeks or less. "While I was thinking about that, The LORD spoke to me. He said, Son, if you'll do that —if you'll totally immerse yourself in The WORD and give yourself to it, it will change your entire future. It will change the direction of your life. Your faith will rise to a new level and will never go back. "I decided to put it to the test. I got my Bible, a notebook and the few tapes on faith I had by Kenneth E. Hagin, and set up a study hall for

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