BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Sept 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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B V O V : 1 1 People are learning how to take a word from God, stand on it and walk it out to victory. They are understanding who they are in Christ and how to exercise their authority over the devil. Even though we are seeing a world gone crazy, we are also seeing the greatest awakening the world has ever seen. And VICTORY Channel is a vital part of that end-time awakening. So join us, and many of our programmers, Sunday, Sept. 22 through Thursday, Sept. 26 on VICTORY Channel for this year's VICTORYTHON. You really don't want to miss anything that is going to take place—especially with Jesse Duplantis as our host! It will be an end-time revival you won't forget! It is such a blessing to hear the truth and to know how to pray, specically for our leaders, our country and the nations of the world. The prophetic words that I've received from the broadcast have strengthened me spiritually and given me such a desire to pray and believe that the kingdom of God is at hand. America will be saved! God bless you for your many years of faithful advancement of the kingdom of God! M.H. | Oklahoma Thank you, VICTORY Channel and KCM, for what you broadcast. I've been watching VICTORY Channel since it started, and I think that VICTORY News is the clearest, best source of news available. N.A. In 2022 I had COVID while trying to close on a home. I was out of work for three weeks and was told I would lose my job because I was not vaccinated. God told me to listen to VICTORY Channel around the clock. George and Gloria preached on believing for your home. Nancy Dufresne preached a message on healing which was pivotal when my asthmatic daughter was struggling with COVID. All the programs were faith, faith, faith. I was able to close on my home and all our bills were paid. Kansas put a halt on medical job loss, and then I was granted a religious exemption for my job. Plus, my daughter not only got over COVID, but hasn't had an issue with asthma since. Praise God! A.B. | Kansas I called the VICTORY Channel Morning Prayer team and received prayer for my 7-year-old grandson who was about to have surgery to repair his diaphragm. It had perforated and his abdominal organs were pushing into his chest. The surgeons were able to make the repairs using only small incisions for the scope and instruments. They did not have to open his chest. Praise God and thanks to that tremendous prayer warrior! And thanks to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and KCM for their gift of VICTORY Channel. L.F. | Pennsylvania My husband and I stood in faith for his job promotion. He was offered a job but, standing in faith that God had a better plan, we turned it down. A year and three months went by. We pressed into the teachings of KCM and sent offerings by God's grace, tithing when we had increase. With George and Gloria's teachings on VICTORY Channel, we called in our harvest, which came in big time! My husband received a CEO position with a signicant pay increase. God answered all our requests and gets all the glory. We are debt free and are close to the Sacramento Victory Campaign location, one of our hearts' desires. We are so grateful for our partnership with KCM and for all your prayers! D.H. | California

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