BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Sept 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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8 : B V O V Don't get me wrong. There is a time to gather together and take a stand. But we can put "Jesus Saves!" on signs, bumper stickers, T-shirts and everything else, and do little to no good. We must follow God's prescribed plan. I remember when neighborhood convenience stores in America fi rst started selling pornographic magazines on their newsstands. A lot of church people got mad, grabbed signs and started picketing the stores. During that time, I heard a store owner say, "My goodness, I didn't have much business till all those Christians started coming down here and raising so much Cain. When they came, I sold out over and over again." Believers had the right heart about the matter, but their plan backfi red. The power is not in the picket sign. It's in The WORD and prayer. The Real Power Brokers To answer my question about how we, as believers, should select political candidates, The LORD took me to 1 Timothy 2:1-2, where the Apostle Paul wrote: "I exhort therefore, that, fi rst of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." The part where the Church has messed up so badly concerning our authority and responsibility in the political process is the "thanksgiving" part of Paul's instructions. Think about it. When someone we don't like gets elected, suddenly we're no longer interested in praying for that o' ce. Or maybe we've prayed for them, but we're certainly not about to give any thanks for them. Far too often, when we have been diligent in praying for men and women in authority, we have turned right around and openly shred them to pieces in our conversations. According to God's WORD, that won't work. It's obvious when people in leadership positions are doing ungodly things. But we still have the say-so with God—and that's what counts. We are His covenant people, just as we saw earlier with Israel. But we only have that say-so with God when we've fulfi lled our responsibility to pray over elections and candidates, hear how He wants us to vote, and then do it. Once we've done all that, it doesn't matter if the person we voted for got into o' ce or not. What matters is our obedience. The LORD once told me, It is very important for My people to make a choice. For if you choose the way I tell you to choose, even if it goes the other way, I will take care of you all the way through the whole thing, just as if it had been exactly the way you voted. I've seen that happen over and over. My friend, God has made this whole process very easy for us. He told us that the fi rst thing we are to do is to make petitions and intercessions for all men, kings and men of high authority. Then, we are to give thanks for them. We don't have to fast and pray for 40 days, twice a year. Just spend 10 to 15 minutes every day praying the way Paul said to pray for our authorities. Granted, there may be times when the Spirit of God will lead you to spend more time and prayer over a particular matter. Follow that lead. The point is, make the main focus and eš ort of your petitions, intercessions and thanksgiving consistent. Real spiritual power lies in consistency. That means day after day praying in the spirit, standing on The WORD, lifting holy hands, and praising and worshipping God concerning our authorities—all of them. Remember, a picket sign has no real impact if it's not full of God's Anointing. But when we, as the Church, get full of that Anointing, I guarantee you won't need a picket sign. We're the ones with the authority. We're the ones with the say-so with God. Now it's just a matter of...What will we say? Schedule is subject to change without notice. 2024 California Victory Campaign Nov. 14-16 | Costa Mesa, Calif. Kenneth Copeland is also speaking here: International Faith Conference Sept. 12 | Forest Park, ILL. For updated event information visit: KCM.ORG/EVENTS Join FlashPoint LIVE Omaha, Neb. Sept. 12 New Orleans, La. Oct. 10-11 Learn more and register at events Join us!

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