BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Sept 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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B V O V : 7 Despite what most believers think, when it comes down to deciding who is going to be placed in any role of authority, the only time the heathen have any say in it is when the people of God hand over their authority to them—as Adam did in the Garden of Eden— or simply do not exercise it, which is the same thing. I know that's a strong statement. But look at The WORD. God was very clear when He said, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). Notice that He didn't say anything about the heathen. He didn't say, "If the whole nation shall humble itself, and pray...then I will heal their land." No. He said, "If my people...." That's the Church. He's talking about you and me. Down With the King! When the people of God choose sin—when they choose to pursue every diabolical thing you can think of, or allow it to exist by not doing anything about it—God will rule in the aŽ airs of men. He will give His covenant people what they want, just as He did Israel. But remember His warning to them? "And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen" (1 Samuel 8:18). I once asked The LORD how He expected us, as believers, to go about choosing political candidates. He responded by asking me a question: Did you ever notice that people who support abortion, those who have a lifestyle of some sort of perversion, and those who walk the borderline of the law all the time are never split between political candidates? He was right. In all my years, the supporters of abortion, the backers of pornography, those who are involved in homosexuality and other perversions, and the users of drugs and alcohol have all pulled together when it comes down to any kind of election. Why? For the most part, the biggest thing in the lives of these people is a particular sin and a lifestyle built around it. Consequently, they look for a candidate who will create an environment that will make room for their sinful lifestyle. The LORD then asked, Should the Body of Christ for any reason want to create an environment that is easy on sin? Of course, my answer was, "No!" Jesus bore our sins on the cross. And whatever He bore for us, we resist. We resist sin. We resist sickness, disease, poverty and so on. We are not against the person who commits sin, but we are against the sin. When we no longer put up a resistance to sin, either by not voting at all or by voting for the wrong reasons, then we've joined forces with those who are serving an unrighteous cause. You may be voting that way because it's how your family has always voted, but you'll end up moaning and groaning later just like Israel did. Now when it comes to resisting sin, certainly we can grab our picket signs to run out and protest at the local abortion clinic, adult bookstore or city hall. But there has been a lot of misunderstanding about all that, and it primarily has been the fault of preachers. Over the years, too many pastors have turned their pulpits into political platforms without digging into The WORD of God until they understood the real spiritual issues at hand. When we no longer put up a resistance to sin, either by not voting at all or by voting for the wrong reasons, then we've joined forces with those who are serving an unrighteous cause.

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