BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Sept 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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evangelist at my church. He is going to talk about what God says in the Bible about mediums.' "I went to her church and was floored. I saw in the Scripture that God was against mediums! I wept because I realized that I'd hurt God by my choices. I answered the altar call and gave my heart and life to Jesus. "My family moved two more times. The second move was to Saint Étienne in 1990. I didn't know anybody when I entered that church. I enrolled in the Discipleship Training School and got to know Terry. We became friends but were only together in groups. Two years later, God had impressed on us that we were to marry. "In France, you can have a church wedding, but it isn't legal. To be legal, you must be married by the mayor. So, in 1992, we were married by the mayor. Afterward, we flew to Georgia and were married a second time in the church there. A New Call "We'd planned on taking a year's sabbatical and then returning to work for YWAM. However, Terry got a call from a judge he had met in discipleship class in Nashville. The juvenile court judge asked Terry to pray about becoming a youth service oŒcer in Cookeville, Tenn. We prayed about it and realized this wasn't just a job o'er, but an assignment from God," Isabelle said. "We moved to Cookeville and Terry took the job, which was challenging. Those first five years of our marriage were some of the hardest of my life. We had two sons, Jeremy and Jason, 16 months apart. I was still struggling with a new language and a new culture. "As part of his job, Terry went back to college. When he wasn't at work, he was taking classes and doing homework. We were determined to make our marriage work, so we went to marriage conferences and read books. "Then a friend invited us to a meeting where they showed a video of Kenneth Copeland preaching. Terry and I looked at each other with our mouths open. We'd never heard anything like it. "After that, we would buy books by Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin, among others, and get up at 4:30 in the morning to read, study and pray," says Isabelle. "In the process, we learned to live by faith." In 1997, Terry and Isabelle went to Tulsa, Okla., to attend Brother Hagin's Camp Meeting. There, for the first time, they heard Kenneth Copeland teaching live. In 1999, Terry finished his bachelor's degree and started doing computer work for the court. During that time, the judge who had hired Terry died. When a grant wasn't renewed for his position, he found himself out of work. Not moved by the situation, Terry told Isabelle, "Everything will be fine. We're going to give the exact same tithe that we would have given if I was still working for the juvenile court." Out of Work Over the next nine months, Terry took what work he could find. He worked on computers. He worked construction. He worked in a factory. All during that time, God's math superseded anything Terry and Isabelle had ever imagined because their bills were all paid. Like the loaves and fishes, they had read about in the Bible, food multiplied in their refrigerator and freezer. Years before, God had told Isabelle that one day Terry would work for Kenneth Copeland Ministries. When a job opened in the IT department, Terry applied—but didn't get it. One day after listening to a message by Creflo Dollar, Isabelle took a stand. She said, "Lord, I'm going to draw a line in the ground with my foot. I believe You have called Terry to work for KCM. When I step across that line by faith, I believe he will have that job." She stepped across the line. A week later, someone at KCM called and o'ered Terry a job in IT. In September 2003, Terry went to work for KCM. Soon after, Isabelle followed. During his 20 years in the IT department, Terry had the privilege of personally assisting Kenneth and Gloria Copeland—taking care of whatever technical and computer needs they had, both in their oŒces and at home. In November 2023, Terry left IT to become the broadcast systems administrator for the television department. Isabelle worked as a prayer minister at KCM for 12 years. Working for KCM has played a major role in their spiritual growth, they both say. "Being a Partner with KCM means never being alone," Terry explains. "I knew that even before we worked here. This ministry saturates its Partners in prayer every day. We've always benefited from those prayers. But working here, we see it in action. That's why we love beginning our day by praying for Kenneth and Gloria. It is another way to give back to them." Terry Cox loved all the years that he spent traveling the world and sharing the gospel with people on the streets. That's still where his heart lives. Only now, he helps send that message all around the world on one of several available voices—the voice of television. 1 6 : B V O V HOW TO USE THEIR FAITH. JOIN US IN TEACHING BELIEVERS Partner with KCM. KCM.ORG/PARTNERNOW

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