BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Sept 2024

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Olympic Events Terry was also asked to lead outreach programs to people attending Olympic events. That call took him around the world, where he and the teams he led did more street evangelism. One of his favorite stops, Terry recalls, was at Pastor David Yonggi Cho's Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, when he was there during the 1988 Seoul Olympic outreach. He'd never imagined the power of hundreds of thousands of voices worshipping together. From Seoul, they went to Hong Kong. There they connected with a group called Bicyclists for Asia. They fi lled their bicycle saddlebags with Bibles and literature written in Chinese. Then they took a boat to China and waited for customs to open. "I'd read the book God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew and it had infl uenced me greatly," Terry explains. "So, when we got to customs, they were searching everyone's belongings. We prayed silently that God would blind their eyes and we'd get through. When we reached the front of the line someone in customs said, 'Oh, here is the bicycle group. Come with me.' He ushered us around customs, and nobody opened our bags. Then we began our miraculous journey through China. In June 1989, a team trained in Los Angeles for drama, mimes and street evangelism, then packed their bikes and met up with him and others in Geneva. "Witnessing all the way, we rode from there to Frankfurt, Germany, and then on to many other countries," he said. "I joined Brother Andrew's group, smuggling Bibles into Russia. At that time, Russia was still part of the Soviet Union. We met Christians from the underground Church. I took a picture of one of them holding a copy of Kenneth Copeland's book The Laws of Prosperity. "Members of the underground Church invited me to a meeting on the steps of the Central Anti-Religious Museum in Moscow, which is a museum dedicated to atheism. When I got there, a huge crowd had arrived. Then they asked me to speak. I stood with a translator and preached to the crowd. It was one of the highlights of my life." A Divine Appointment in France Back in Los Angeles, some of the YWAM leaders met with Terry. "A church in France has an unusual request," they explained. "They want a full-time team member to stay and help build their mission B V O V : 1 5 program. We've prayed about it, and we believe you're the one to do it." In September 1990, Terry moved to Saint Étienne, France. It was a city of about 200,000, not far from the Alps. At the small Protestant church where he was assigned, Terry started a discipleship training school. Terry threw himself into the work. He loved the church. He loved the city, and he loved France. Later that year, a stranger named Isabelle walked into the church. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, he thought. She just seemed to glow. "I was the youngest of three children born and raised in France," Isabelle explains. "Over the years, our family moved to 14 diŸ erent cities. Although my parents weren't practicing Catholics, they had us go through catechism and confi rmation. The Wrong Road "I didn't understand any of it," Isabelle recalls about religion. "As far as I knew, God was an old man sitting on a cloud with a crooked cane. He wore a long Harley Davidson beard and was waiting for me to mess up. "When I was 19, we lived in Paris. I was a troubled teenager. Like Terry, I'd been bullied in school. I wanted to know the source of my problems, so I studied to become a medium. "I thought if I could see the past, I would understand my problems and could be healed. After I became a medium, I was no better. I told a friend about my problem. He suggested that I call a girl he knew who was a Christian. "On Dec. 31, 1985, I went to my bedroom and prayed. I said, 'God, if You exist, I'm asking that You reveal Yourself to me.' Then I called the Christian. She said, 'This weekend there is going to be an B V O V : 1 5 Bibles and literature written in Chinese. Then they took a boat to China and waited for customs by Brother program. We've prayed about it, and we believe you're the one to do it." In September 1990, Terry moved to Saint Terry was also asked to lead outreach programs to people attending Olympic events. That call took him around the world, where he and the teams he led did more street evangelism. One of his favorite stops, Terry recalls, was at Pastor David Yonggi Cho's Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, when he was there during the 1988 Seoul Olympic outreach. He'd never imagined the power of hundreds of From Seoul, they went to Hong Kong. There they connected with a group called Bicyclists for Asia. They fi lled their bicycle saddlebags with Bibles and literature written in Chinese. Then Terry was also asked to lead outreach programs to people attending Olympic events. That call took him around the world, where he and the teams he led did more street evangelism. One of his favorite stops, Terry recalls, was at Pastor David Yonggi Cho's Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, when he was there during the 1988 Seoul Olympic outreach. He'd never imagined the power of hundreds of From Seoul, they went to Hong Kong. There they connected with a group called Bicyclists for Asia. They fi lled their bicycle saddlebags with Bibles and literature written in Chinese. Then China, 1988 France, 1991 "I loved living on the edge and seeing God move in miraculous ways. I knew this was what I wanted to do with my life."

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