BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

April 22

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Transformation “That evening I went to dinner with some friends, and then to their dorm room. My friend pulled out a cassette tape—by Kenneth Copeland! I started listening, and at that moment I entered a relationship with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Soon after, I ordered the "Faith Series" and "The Laws of Prosperity." I also sent my first tithe check that week. “For the next two years, in addition to my classwork, I received an education through "BVOV." The teachings were changing my life. I didn’t listen to the tapes one time. I listened to them over and over. Not only was Brother Copeland teaching me how to give, he was also teaching me how to think and how to speak. I’d never heard anything like that before. I was being transformed. Being born again had transformed my spirit. My personality was being transformed by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God was transforming my mind. “I devoured tapes, books and the monthly magazine. The minibooks, especially, were such a help! After reading one, I’d stick it in my pocket and refer to it throughout the day. Every Sunday morning, I set my TV to record the "Believer’s Voice of Victory" TV broadcast. While it was recording, I went to my Baptist church. After lunch, I watched Brother Copeland. I went from fear to faith. From unbelief to belief. The transformation of my life was so dramatic that my family and friends were stunned. “I worked with very successful people. That fall, there were major opportunities and negotiations happening. I didn’t have peace in my heart about signing any of them. I always thought my identity was as a professional drummer. I discovered that that was my plan, not God’s. He was calling me into ministry. The "BVOV" broadcasts were my Bible school for the next 10 years.” While listening to the tape series, "The Laws of Prosperity," Brian learned about Pastors Harold and Lou Nichols and how they had given Brother Copeland his first ministry opportunity. In 1985, when Brian decided to attend the Southwest Believers’ Convention, he contacted the Nichols. While he had plenty of money to attend the convention, he didn’t know anyone in Fort Worth. Divine Connections “I’m coming to the convention,” Brian told Lou Nichols. “I wonder if I could connect with you?” The answer was a resounding yes. They even sent someone to pick him up at the airport. While in Fort Worth, Brian attended Grace Temple Church and met Jerry Savelle. The 1985 Southwest Believers’ Convention was another turning point in Brian’s life. On Wednesday of the convention, Jerry called Brian out of the audience. Taking off his shoes, he handed them to Brian. “Put these on,” he told Brian. “God will do the same thing in your life that He did in mine.” Brian put on Jerry’s shoes and felt like he was “walking on air,” he said. “The Lord said He was going to do the same thing in my life that He’d done in Jerry’s,” Brian recalls. “What was that? He’d brought him into relationship with Kenneth Copeland, who taught him to live in victory. He moved from Louisiana to Fort Worth. I knew that at some point I would move to Texas. I teach and preach very similar to Brother Jerry. Like Brother Copeland, he’s a father in the faith to me. I still have his shoes today.” BVOV : 19

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