BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

April 22

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Already a Partner with KCM, Brian also became a partner with Jerry Savelle Ministries. Brian studied how they held their meetings. He studied their ministry reports and their itineraries. In the past, he’d spend hours practicing the drums. Now instead, with a key to the church, he’d go there at night, and preach Brother Copeland’s messages to the empty pews. Brian transferred schools and graduated from the University of Alabama. Preparation for Purpose “I was asked to work for Billy Graham’s organization. They had a policy that if you came to work for them, it was a forever relationship. I knew at some time the Lord would move me to Texas. So I volunteered for him beginning in 1988. “I did stadium ministry for the Graham organization. I helped set up their Saturday night crusade meetings with Michael W. Smith and D.C. Talk. Music production came naturally to me. After all those times playing drums in those stadiums, it was such a joy to see thousands of people come to Jesus in those same venues. Dr. Graham taught me humility and purity. He was so precious. “In 1993, Brother Jerry asked me to come work for him. I moved to Texas, and was his associate minister and crusade director. Jerry, and Jesse Duplantis, had a series of meetings they did every month. During the years I worked for Brother Jerry, he was always gracious to give me time off whenever the Billy Graham organization needed me. We both honored him so much. I worked with the Graham organization from 1988 until he retired from crusade ministry in 2005. Finding a Wife “I attended Harold Nichols’ church, Grace Temple. One Sunday I was home from traveling with Brother Jerry and headed toward Lou’s Sunday school class. Along the way, I noticed a door open and looked inside. I saw a beautiful woman with black hair kneeling down to minister to children. It was love at first sight. “Harold and Lou Nichols had introduced me to Jerry Savelle. Then they introduced me to Sheila, the woman who would become my wife.” On Sept. 16, 1995, Brian and Sheila married. After five years serving at Jerry Savelle Ministries, Brian left to launch his own traveling ministry. A couple of years later, Brian founded Metroplex Family Church in Burleson, Texas. All the joy, the peace and the fulfillment that Brian had searched for in music, he found in abundance as pastor of the church. He’d stepped into his true identity and calling. “Back in 1983, when I surrendered my life to the Lord,” Brian recalls, “I gave the drums to Him. I said, ‘Lord, I’ll walk away. I’ll never pick up another pair of drumsticks again if that’s what You want. You’re the Lord of my life, not this drum kit.’ “I gave the drums and all they represented to the Lord, and He gave it all back to me even better. I still play. I love playing and am doing an album project right now. I’m still involved in training, teaching people and influencing musicians. In addition, all three of our children are musicians. Our daughter plays the keyboard and our two sons play the drums. “When I mentor young musicians, I tell them, ‘Money can’t buy you peace and money can’t renew you. I had money and success, but when I started renewing my mind to the Word of God, I became a wealthy man inside. Choose the Lord’s way and He’ll let you play. If you choose Him as the Lord of your life, He’ll take care of the rest.’ “When I was young, I always dreamed of having one of the most unique drum sets in the world. Only really famous people have those. About 10 years ago, I bought a particular drum set and kept it in meticulous condition. In time, they stopped making them. I contacted the makers and was told they had no plans for building those particular drums ever again. But they’re building and customizing a set for me. Why are they doing it? Not because I’m famous, but because I have the favor of God on my life. “When I connected with KCM in 1983, even then I understood that partnership meant relationship. Like any relationship, it’s what you put into it. If you really tap into the call of God upon the ministry, you’ll find the benefits on your life are God ordained.” Today, in all they do, Brian and Sheila Jacobs live to a beat that not everyone hears. They live their lives to the sound of the heartbeat of God. V * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JOIN US IN TEACHING BELIEVERS how to use their faith. PARTNER WITH KCM. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APRIL Read Through the Bible Old Testament / New Testament Fri 1 Deut. 1:1-2:15 / Luke 21 Sat 2 Deut. 2:16-4:14 Sun 3 Ps. 42-44; Prov. 9 Mon 4 Deut. 4:15-5:33 / Luke 22 Tue 5 Deut. 6:1-8:10 / Luke 23 Wed 6 Deut. 8:11-10:22 / Luke 24 Thu 7 Deut. 11-12 / John 1 Fri 8 Deut. 13:1-15:11 / John 2 Sat 9 Deut. 15:12-18:8 Sun 10 Ps. 45-48; Prov. 10:1-17 Mon 11 Deut. 18:9-21:9 / John 3 Tue 12 Deut. 21:10-23:18 / John 4 Wed 13 Deut. 23:19-26:15 / John 5 Thu 14 Deut. 26:16-28:32 / John 6 Fri 15 Deut. 28:33-29:29 / John 7 Sat 16 Deut. 30:1-32:14 Sun 17 Ps. 49-50; Prov. 10:18-32 Mon 18 Deut. 32:15-33:29 / John 8 Tues 19 Deut. 34:1-Josh. 3:8 / John 9 Wed 20 Josh. 3:9-6:11 / John 10 Thu 21 Josh. 6:12-8:23 / John 11 Fri 22 Josh. 8:24-10:27 / John 12 Sat 23 Josh. 10:28-12:24 Sun 24 Ps. 51-55; Prov. 11:1-23 Mon 25 Josh. 13:1-15:12 / John 13 Tue 26 Josh. 15:13-16:10 / John 14 Wed 27 Josh. 17:1-19:16 / John 15 Thu 28 Josh. 19:17-21:19 / John 16 Fri 29 Josh. 21:20-22:34 / John 17 Sat 30 Josh. 23:1-Jdgs. 1:15 20 : BVOV

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