BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

March 2016

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Commander Kellie’s Corner Parents, this one is for you! Get in the game! The Lord ministered something powerful to me that I want to pass on to you, Superkid parents! First, let me say, I love Jesus. He is always THERE—present in my life. Not quiet, or just along for the ride. But there—helping, prompting, correcting, and loving me. I’ve been a mother for 32 years. He has NEVER failed me. Psalm 92:2 says, “It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening” ("New Living Translation"). One day I was talking to the Lord about one of my children, and asking Him to give me wisdom—that I would say and do the things that would help my child the most. This has been my prayer for each of my children, and as always, He was right there—checking my heart and letting me know what I needed. I needed to forgive. You see, earlier that day I had received a message that was unnecessary and rude. When the Lord brought it to my attention, I quickly responded and fully forgave that person. As soon as I did, He followed it up with this great understanding that I am about to share with you. He reminded me of Romans 8:28, "NLT": “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” This is so much more than the platitude for troubled times that the Church has made it. It is a promise that God, who KNOWS the hearts of our children, has plans that He not only carries out but informs the Holy Spirit of and the Holy Spirit informs His team. The Lord quickly let me know that my forgiveness had positioned me to be on His team that He has working for my child’s good. That revelation brought such clarity, peace and direction as I unpacked it over the next few days. Unforgiveness will put you on the sidelines in the “game” of parenting. So will fear, worry and anger. People worry and fear over their children as though that can HELP them. The mom or dad who is in fear, worry or unforgiveness is not helping their child. In fact, they are NOT EVEN IN THE GAME! I didn’t realize it, but in that moment I was heading out of bounds and positioning myself outside God’s team for my child. Knowing that God is directing EVERYONE and everything that concerns my children—giving favor, course correction and anything else their success may require, is so comforting. As soon as I forgave, I was flooded with peace, revelation and FAITH! I rested in the promise that I would know what to say and do for the best outcome, because my Father, my Coach, was directing me. And at the end of the day, I proclaimed the faithfulness of the Lord. He had done exactly what He promised and I had followed. When we are in our place on the field, we can HEAR clearly what God tells us to do. And when we HEAR, faith COMES. And when faith comes, we BELIEVE. And when we believe, we RECEIVE! ALL THINGS, including my child’s mother, were working for the good. There’s more revelation the Coach will show you if you will let Him. Read Romans and Galatians with that analogy in mind. It will bring the purpose Romans 8:28 requires, and the faith to raise your Superkid without fear and worry. We are the parents of Superkids—ordinary kids doing extraordinary things through the power of God’s Word. That’s the play. Game on! ♥ About: Kellie Copeland Swisher An outreach minister at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, she is the developer of the Superkid Academy curriculum. Through her ministry and as “Commander Kellie,” she fulfills the mission of drawing people of all ages into a personal, growing and powerful relationship with Jesus Christ. BVOV : 9

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