BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

March 2016

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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But fear overtook them and the most important thing God had said to them, they failed to confess. “But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it…I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people” (Leviticus 20:24). Moses had delivered God’s message to them this way: “The Lord shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites, as he sware unto thee and to thy fathers, and shall give it thee” (Exodus 13:11). The land they had spied out was their land. God had promised it to their forefathers and to them. God had told them to go in and take it. But they had no faith in the promise of God. They didn’t believe God. Not only did they fail to confess what God had said, but most of them actually confessed the opposite. And, that failure resulted in their generation receiving exactly what they had confessed. None entered the Land of Promise…except for two—Joshua and Caleb, who had developed their hearts to believe God and to agree with Him. They confessed that what God had promised could be done, and they received the promise! Your Words Change Things This Law of Confession, like the laws of flight, has the power to take you where you want to be. The laws of flight can take you into the air and then land you safely. They are designed to work every time. The Law of Confession works the same. It has the power to change things in your life—taking you to the places and things God has for you. If you believe His Word and fill your heart with it, you can use words the same way He did and you will get the same results. Jesus demonstrated that during His days on earth. You have power without measure just like Jesus did. And it’s contained in what comes out of your mouth. We were designed to live this life in the flesh by the power of the spirit—our heart and what comes forth from it through our words. Look at the state of your life right now. It is a direct result of someone’s words. Mostly the words have been your own, but they probably have been undergirded by words spoken by your parents or someone else. Yes, words have formed your life. But you can’t blame other people’s words, because God’s Word and Law of Confession have the power to override everything that has ever been said over you. God has established it so His Word can change our lives, but only by our belief and our confession. No one can stop the progress of it in our lives but us! Nothing can keep us from the life God has planned for us—except us! What Are We Waiting On? Since the day He created the earth, God has always looked for people who will believe His Word, plant it into their hearts and confess it with their mouths—people who will simply agree with Him. He’s looking for a people who will use the Law of Confession to change things, not only in their own lives but in the world around them. God has a destiny for each of us, just as He did for the children of Israel—a land of promise and safe dwelling. He has a plan for our families, our churches and our nation. Are we delaying reaching our destiny, like the Israelites, because of what has been coming out of our mouths? Are we complaining too much and not praising enough? Have we let our confidence in God’s Word slip because we haven’t built it into our hearts in abundance? Have we filled our hearts with things contrary to God’s goodness and mercy, and let contrariness become our everyday pattern of speech? Do we realize the Law of Confession will always work in our lives according to the condition of our hearts? If we can answer “yes” to any of these questions, and we’re not experiencing the things God has promised, it’s time to make a change. When you make the decision to put the Law of Confession to work to change your life, nothing can stop you. The Law of Confession supersedes everything! No principality or power can stop it. No government can stop it. Your level of education can’t stop it. When your heart is lined up with God’s Word, Jesus’ declaration of mountain-moving faith will be yours: “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23). Don’t wait another minute! Believe God, open your mouth and speak from the abundance of your heart. Let the Law of Confession start changing things for you! V About: Bill Winston Founder and pastor of Living Word Christian Center, an 18,000-member church located in Forest Park, Ill., he is also the founder and chairman of The Joseph Center® for Business Development. For more information or ministry materials go to BVOV : 23

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