BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

March 2016

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Your Voice. Your Victory. Your Ministry. GoodNewsGazette ‘My Brother Is Delivered From Drugs’ Thank you for being in agreement with my family and me regarding deliverance for my brother from drug addiction. He was on drugs for years, and even dropped out of school due to that lifestyle, but thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph! My brother is delivered from drugs. We continue to give God thanks and He continues to minister to him and causes him to be a testimony. My brother is also being restored to his passion for music in the Kingdom as he was once a drummer. We praise God and love you guys for standing with and encouraging us. God bless you. E.S. | South Africa * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I Have Grown Immensely in the Word Thank you so much for BVOVN! I have enjoyed this so much it has been hard to leave the TV to get anything else done. I especially enjoy the 2015 SWBC being replayed over and over. I have needed this programming so much and have grown immensely in the Word. Praise God! Carol W. | Ellisville, Miss. bvovn Believer’s Voice of Victory Network Real. Life. Faith. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * My Daughter’s Vision Will Be Normal Praise the Lord! Gloria, the Lord has been very gracious to us. The procedure for my daughter's right eye was performed July 7, 2015, and everything went on well. Post-op checkup revealed that her vision will be normal after a couple of weeks. Thank you very much for standing with us. S.R. | Telangana, India * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ‘I Am Walking Again’ I have cerebral palsy, but can walk short distances. A few months ago, I had an accident and had to go into a wheelchair. The next day, the phone rang and it was someone from KCM. I wondered how she knew to call. She prayed for me and four months later, I am walking again. Praise the Lord for His greatness. T.N. | New Zealand * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ‘Dad Gave His Heart to the Lord’ May 2015, I invited my dad and mum to KCM Healing School at Rhema Church. Dad was diagnosed with cancer in his stomach the month before. I called your ministry to ask for prayer for my dad and for his salvation. Both of my parents accepted the invite to Healing School on May 16, 2015. Whilst Kenneth Copeland was praying, Dad was also praying for his health. It was such a blessing! When Dad got really sick, he would ask my mum to read Psalm 91 to him. On June 12, Dad gave his heart to the Lord, and on the 14th, at 10 a.m., Dad passed away peacefully. I am so thankful for Kenneth Copeland having the South Africa Victory Campaign. It was a blessing to us all, and my dad was so blessed by the Healing School—it touched his heart in a big way. All glory and praise goes to Jesus. R.G. | South Africa * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ‘Healed From Sleep Apnea’ Eleven years ago I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. I sent prayer points to KCM to stand with me and believe that I’m healed from sleep apnea. I continually spoke out that Jesus has healed me from sleep apnea. In August, I was sent for a sleep study by a specialist and the results came back with no obstructive sleep apnea! Praise God! I am no longer on a CPAP machine and am now sleeping very well without it. Thank you for your faithful prayers. D.G. | New South Wales, Australia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LifeLine Kits Save the Day I had been up to my neck in stress issues and sleep problems when I noticed the Overcoming Stress LifeLine kit in the BVOV magazine. I knew, by faith, this was the product for me. From the very first song I played on the CD, God's peace flooded my room. From that day on, I read, listened and studied the kit. It is so great how you read for five minutes, then listen, then watch the DVD. What a perfect, God-ordained idea. After I finished it, I got off my anxiety medications and could sleep in peace at night—drug free. So, I wondered which one I should buy next. I developed pleurisy in my lungs 10 days before my 40th birthday party, where I was to sing and play guitar. I called KCM for prayer and ordered the Healing & Wellness LifeLine kit, express post. I felt the tide starting to turn in my lungs. The next day, the kit arrived and I started on it straight away. I was improving, but still needed painkillers to rehearse. Then on the 10th day (my birthday) I read the material before I left to set up, and listened to the healing scriptures on the way. Praise God! The party, my singing and guitar playing were off the charts. Best I've ever done! Thank you, Ken and Gloria, for your awesome materials which truly were a lifeline to me. P.K. | Queensland, Australia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 16 : BVOV

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