BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

March 2016

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“Your mom has made us an appointment with two lawyers first thing in the morning,” Peter said. “Let’s get some sleep and see what they advise.” It was a good plan, except sleep eluded them. At 3 a.m., Peter looked up to see his handsome stepson, who stood over 6 feet tall, gazing out the window. Turning to Peter, Nathan said that he kept thinking someone was going to come get him and take him away. Back home, Jamie gave up on sleep, pacing the floor and praying. In the wee hours of morning, a warning dropped into her spirit. 'There’s going to be a problem with money.' Court Convened Long before the sun rose, Jamie dialed the number for her co-worker Nicole and her husband, Matt. “The Lord told me that there’s going to be a problem with money,” she explained. “Is there any way Matt could get thousands of dollars together and fly to Jamaica, fast?” Nicole’s two-word response was a testament to their friendship and trust. “Of course.” In Jamaica, Peter and Nathan climbed into the car with the two attorneys Jamie had scheduled them to meet. Back home, Jamie got a frantic call from her co-worker. “Get Peter and Nathan out of that car! Those people aren’t the attorneys you hired!” Jamie called Peter with that message. Peter and Nathan got out of the car, and located the female attorney Jamie had hired. “There’s only one thing you can do,” she told them. “Plead guilty and ask for mercy from the court.” The heat from all the bodies packed into the courthouse hit Peter and Nathan like a fireball when they stepped inside. “The docket is full,” a court official explained. “Your case has been postponed until tomorrow. You’re going back to jail.” “That’s my boy,” Peter said, stepping in front of Nathan. “He’s been traumatized and he can’t go back to jail. We’ll wait here all day and go last, but he can’t be sent back.” As the hours dragged by, not one person was found innocent. Without money to pay the steep fines, everyone before them received prison sentences. At 3 p.m., Matt arrived. The three men stepped aside and prayed in the courtroom, asking for God’s protection, favor and deliverance. ‘How Do You Plead?’ When Nathan’s case came before the judge, he was asked, “How do you plead?” Nathan pled guilty and asked for mercy from the court, as their attorney had advised. “OK,” the judge replied. “I’m doubling the maximum fine.” Even with the thousands of dollars Matt had brought, they didn’t have enough. “I’ll go to an ATM machine and get more money,” Peter said. “I’ll go with you,” a female security officer announced. “Why?” “Because you’ll need protection.” Peter withdrew as much money as he could. They had 45 minutes to count all the money, get it into a duffel bag and back to the judge. Back home and still praying, Jamie got further direction from the Lord: 'Tell them to buy airline tickets for all three of them to get out of the country by 7 p.m.' They bought the tickets, reserved their seats and went back to court. At 4 p.m., Peter handed the duffel bag to the judge. “Here’s all the money,” he said. “Yes, I see,” said the judge, “but he has been deported. So unless you also have plane reservations to prove that he’ll be out of the country within 24 hours of the time he landed, I’m afraid he still goes back to jail.” Peter handed the judge confirmation of their flights departing at 7 p.m. Like Pharaoh, the judge still refused to let Nathan go. “You have the money and the airline tickets, but unless I see his passport, he still can’t leave.” Running Out of Time The judge knew that Nathan’s passport had been confiscated at the airport and that they were running out of time. Peter turned to the attorney and asked her to retrieve Nate’s passport. Later, when she placed the passport in front of the judge just before time for the court to close, the reluctant judge released him. For Nathan, Peter and Matt, nothing felt better than the thrust of that aircraft lifting off Jamaican soil. “We’ve since learned that this is a common scam,” Jamie says. “We looked online and found stories of innocent people who had a single bullet planted in their bag. “Even though I’d been through a long battle for my health, when this happened, I felt as though I’d been in spiritual-warfare kindergarten. God provided people on the ground in Jamaica who told us what was happening and gave us direction. Every time the enemy tried to block Nathan’s freedom, God had told us what was going to happen in advance. “I’ve never met Kenneth Copeland, but I view him as a spiritual father. He’s the one who taught me how to live by faith, and walk in victory and prosperity, despite the enemy’s attacks. I’m a much better business leader because of my partnership with KCM. I teach the biblical principles I’ve learned, to thousands in the workplace.” Jamie and Peter Vrinios fought the good fight of faith to deliver their son from a prison in Kingston, Jamaica. However, another court has convened. In this one, the Judge of the universe has ruled against the enemy—the devil. The thief has been caught, convicted and ordered to make restitution. If the enemy is trying to ensnare you or your family, just know that our Father still roars the same warning He spoke through Moses. "Let My people go!" V 14 : BVOV

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