BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

March 2016

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Eating Rubber Eggs and Hearing From God I’ll never forget one particular time I saw this borne out in my own life. It was many years ago, early in my ministry. Gloria and I had just gotten back from a long stretch on the road. After driving for hours, we had stopped by my mother’s house for supper. We were hungry and tired, and ready for a meal and some rest. Just as mother set a plate of really good-looking eggs in front of me, the telephone rang. She answered, and as I took my first bite I heard her say, “Oh, no! OK…we’ll be right over!” Then she started praying in the spirit like a house afire. Although mother was an extremely skilled prayer warrior, and she was usually very strong in such situations, I could tell she was upset. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Aunt Eiley is about to die!” she said. “If we want to see her before it’s too late we have to leave right now. So hurry up and let’s go!” Before I could respond, The LORD arrested me on the inside. I sensed Him telling me to slow down. So, although I loved Aunt Eiley and wanted to rush off to see her just like my mother did, I stayed put. “No, Mama,” I said, “I’m not going anywhere until I eat my eggs.” With my appetite suddenly gone, the eggs tasted like rubber but I took another few bites anyway. Then I purposely cleaned up a little and slowly put on a fresh shirt. When we got into the car I let Mother drive and I sat in the passenger seat, praying in the spirit and listening to The LORD. He told me exactly what scriptures He wanted me to read to Aunt Eiley and exactly what to say. We arrived to find she’d already been given up for dead. Her body had been moved to a bare little room where the doctor would come to officiate her death certificate. We went to the room and found another family there in the same situation. I hadn’t anticipated reading the scriptures The LORD had given me to a dead woman, in front of an audience. But I refused to let that affect my thinking. Opening my Bible, I said exactly what The LORD had directed me to say. I read the verses He’d quickened to me, and then I said, “Aunt Eiley, open your eyes!” Her eyes popped open like they were on springs. “Kenneth, what are you doing here?” she said. “I came to pray for you, darling,” I answered. Clearly, by then my prayer had already been answered. The dominating power of God’s words had been released; the Father had done the work; and Aunt Eiley no longer needed a death certificate. She was healed from the illness that had been choking the life out of her, and although she was already quite elderly, she lived two more years in perfect health, in her own home. That just goes to show you what can happen when you take time to hear from God. You can speak His WORD and do the works of Jesus! You don’t have to wait until you’re facing a critical situation like Aunt Eiley’s, either. You can say what God is saying in every circumstance of life. You can do the works of Jesus all the time. His works include more than miracles, signs and wonders. They include every assignment God gives you. They include whatever He commands you to do! One time The LORD said to me, 'If all I ever told you to do was carry out one can of trash, I could make your trip from the backdoor to the alley the greatest adventure you could ever imagine. I could bring people to that alley at just the right moment and anoint you to minister to them. I could do all kinds of supernatural things for you and through you because, by obeying Me and carrying out the trash, you’d be doing My works.' 6 : BVOV

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