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Jesus was born into
the earth to make a way
for you and me to be born
again into the family of God.
Are you born again?
I'm thinking almost everyone
reading this has answered, "Yes,
Gloria, I am born again!" If so, I hope you
will continue reading and be reminded of
who you really are as a born-again child of
your heavenly Father.
If you answered, "No," or "I don't really
know," I hope you will read on and discover
the tremendous relationship that awaits
you as a child of God.
The life of a born-again son or daughter
of God is, to me, the only
way to live. It's the only
true life.
God created man (that
includes you and me) in
His image. You are a triune
(three-in-one) person—spirit, soul
and body. Your body is made up of the
elements of earth. God created every part
of your body to cooperate with and thrive in
the earth in which you live. It holds up and
carries you throughout your life.
You have a soul created by God to help
you communicate within your world. Your
soul is made up of your mind, your will and
your emotions. By your soul you interact in
Is Born In
"The life of a
born-again son
or daughter of
God is, to me,
the only way to
live. It's the only
true life."
by Gloria Copeland