BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Nov 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Ted kept his face blank. He'd heard things like that before. His grandmother used to see him coming and say, "There's the little preacher!" He'd always blown o those words coming from his grandmother. But now, they were a little harder to dismiss coming from a preacher. One thing Ted knew for sure: If he ever was to become a pastor, God would have to do it. Ted and Jan had already faced a lot of opposition. They'd married young, while still in their teens. "They'll never make it," the naysayers said. But Ted and Jan had never looked back, or questioned their decision. There were two things that Ted liked to talk about…the Lord and horses. He raised horses, showed horses at halter, and team roped. He loved spending time at the barn. Tending to the animals gave him a lot of quiet time to talk to the Lord and to hear from Him. He often thought about the prophetic words spoken over him, and wondered how God could take him from a secular career into the ministry. How in the world could he ever pastor a church? The Barn "Right after Jan and I married, a group of us at church discovered KCM," Ted recalls. "Jan and I became Partners early in our marriage. We got the BVOV magazine, and faithfully watched their program on TV. by Melanie Hemry 1 0 : B V O V Just One Thread Ted and Jan Currington and their two children, Christi and Chad, stepped inside the church sanctuary, not knowing their lives were about to be changed forever. When the evangelist took to the pulpit, he pointed to Ted and Jan and directed them to stand. Then he said, "God has called you. You will pastor a church one day."

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