BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Nov 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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knew the voice of the Lord. Turning around, he went inside and found Jan cooking supper. "The Lord told me to go get a physical." They made the appointment and were shocked to learn that his EKG looked bad. Ted was admitted for an angiogram. "You have a blockage in your heart," the doctor told Ted, "but it's in a spot where we can't fi x it. We're not going to do anything at this point. We'll treat you with medication and lifestyle changes." "I'd always said that God would do His part, but we still have to be smart enough to do our part," Ted said. "We took our faith stand on God's Word. We also changed our eating and exercise habits to do our part in the natural. The following year, in 2005, we bought land and built a church. We borrowed the money and paid it o in one year. Only God can do that! "The church grew so fast that we ran out of seats. So, in 2008, we tripled the size of the church. Once again, within a year and a B V O V : 1 3 half, God paid it o ." Things moved along well both at church and at home. In 2012, Ted was walking on the treadmill when he heard the Lord speak again: I want you to have a triple bypass. Wait. No way will I do that, Ted thought. I'll come home and be with You. I want you to have a triple bypass. Everything will be good. Ted agreed, but didn't tell Jan what he had heard. One night a few weeks later, Ted couldn't sleep all night. "The next morning, I told Jan I thought I needed to go to the hospital. My brother went to a certain cardiologist, so I asked Jan to call his o ce. The Vision "While Jan was making phone calls, I prepared myself for the reality of heart "The church grew so fast that we ran out of seats. So, in 2008, we tripled the size of the church. Once again, within a year and a half, God paid it o ."

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