BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Oct 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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God always puts fi rst things fi rst. Notice what He said He will do fi rst to change a city or nation: "And I will restore thy judges as at the fi rst, and thy counsellors [your lawyers and your pastors] as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city" (verse 26). He said we will be called "a righteousness nation" again! It doesn't matter what administration is in power or who's in what position of authority. When you get right down to it, everyone is infl uenced in one way or another by a judge. Judges aˆ ect everything, and down through the years Supreme Court judges have really messed up our country. But I'll tell you something—you can't blame them for it. You have to blame us. Why? Because we quit praying, we quit believing God, and we quit voting. You have to understand, the ballot is your seed, and God doesn't do anything without a seed. When you don't sow it, you have sown to your enemy. It's the same principle that applies to farming. You sow corn, you harvest a crop of corn. You sow nothing, you get nothing. There is no in-between. Everything you do and everything you say is a seed. To think you can sow one thing and reap a diˆ erent harvest is insanity. That kind of thinking is not even practical. A seed always produces after its own kind. So by getting hung up on the political parties and all of the show business— supposedly political campaigns—that have little or nothing to do with what's going to happen in o– ce, and then not sowing your ballot…it's like not having been involved in the fi rst place. What's your responsibility? Get involved! You pray and you follow God when it comes time to vote. And then you do more than that: You stay involved. God really got after a preacher friend of mine about this very thing. He lived in a small town in central Texas and his church wasn't liking the direction the city council was going at all. So the whole church got together and went to a city council meeting. There were more people there from that church than anyone else. In fact, no one else showed up. They voted on everything and ended up taking over the city. They started turning the whole city around in one night. The city council realized what was going on, but there wasn't any way they could turn them oˆ . They were in every city council meeting—200 or 300 of them—fi lling the whole room up. They turned that whole city around in a matter of weeks, and eventually changed the city council. "Is that the right thing to do?" you ask. It is when you're right. And being part of the political system—exercising your voice and being heard—is right! It's time for you to be heard. But you can't if you don't stand up and speak out. It starts with sowing your seed. Your vote really does count. Congressional Seats up for election All 435 House seats Senate seats 34 B V O V : 2 5 11 states will hold gubernatorial elections GOD & YOU Elections 2024

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