BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Oct 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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One Wednesday night, Pat and Mary Ellen attended the church's prayer service in someone's home. In attendance was a young man from Haiti named Prosper; it was his 21st birthday. "Prosper, if you could have anything you wanted for your birthday, what would it be?" Pat asked. "I'd like to go home with enough money to buy a German shepherd puppy." "I hope you get the money." Almost instantly, Pat heard the Lord say, Give $5 to the pastor and ask him to take up an oering for Prosper. Pat froze. "Lord, you know that's all the money I have. My children need milk…and food." Just do what I told you. When Pat handed her $5 to the pastor he said, "Pat, can you aˆord to do this?" "I can't aˆord not to do it." Returning home that night, Pat walked into the kitchen. The table was covered with food. There were eggs and milk in the refrigerator. Meat in the freezer. "Who did this?" she asked her son. "Some lady named Elsie." Standing on God's Word Pat had worked on a campaign for a woman named Elsie. That was the only Elsie she knew, so she called her. At the exact moment she'd given her $5, God told Elsie what He wanted her to buy for Pat. He even told her what Pat's preferred brands were. When Pat was three months behind on her mortgage, the company asked her to come in for a meeting. They said they would foreclose the property by the end of the month if the payments weren't caught up. "OK, I can do that," Pat said. "How?" "My dad will give me the money." "That's great!" On the way home, the friend who'd gone with her said, "Pat, your dad is dead." "I wasn't talking about him." Pat felt so angry when she got home, yet relieved that all the kids were in school, she put her Bible on the floor and stood on it. "Devil, I want you to hear this! Every demon in hell and out of hell, listen! Every angel, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God, please listen. I'm standing on the Word of God, and I'm not going to budge oˆ of it. Father, You know what I need." The next day, people started showing up at her house and giving her $100 bills. By the end of the month, she had paid all three back payments—and one extra. From that day, she was never late on a payment again. Great Exploits of God After attending the Believers' Conventions for more than four decades, Pat and Mary Ellen have seen and experienced the mighty move of God in some miraculous ways—personally and through others. "Going to the Believers' Conventions all these years has had a huge impact on my life," Mary Ellen explains. "I had a deviated septum which made breathing through my nose di›cult. "In 2008, we were in Gloria's Healing School when I felt something warm pour over my head and nose. That deviated septum was healed without surgery! "One year, another of our friends went with us. He was about 65 and had been born with something wrong with his spine. His back hurt all the time. In one of the services, backs were being healed. He started running up and down the steps. His spine was totally healed. "I worked as a nurse for 50 years. What I learned at the conventions about speaking to the problem, I applied to my career. For instance, I had a patient who was close to a hypertensive crisis. Her blood pressure kept going up, and the medicine wasn't working. Using my authority, I spoke to her blood pressure and told it to return to normal. It did just what I said. "It's hard to imagine what God will do for you when you set time aside to go to the conventions and seek Him," Mary Ellen says. "At home, you plan to sit down and watch but there are a lot of distractions. Your attention is divided. The enemy always fights to keep us from going. He doesn't want us there. But every year we go and receive just what we need." Over the years, Pat has taken her children and grandchildren to the conventions. She often gets a hotel with a pool. Sometimes they go a day or two early to visit the zoo or some other attraction. She has also taken many friends. "I'd like to say that every time I prayed and stood on God's promises, the answer came in the time it takes to snap your fingers," Pat says. "I can't say that. God's timing is better than mine. Being a Partner with KCM has changed my life in countless ways. I've had people praying for me who know how to touch God. That means so much to me. "This year I turned 90 years old," says Pat. "I've already made plans to be at the convention this year. I can look back over my life and admit that I've had problems. But the Lord has delivered me out of them all." 2 0 : B V O V HOW TO USE THEIR FAITH. JOIN US IN TEACHING BELIEVERS Partner with KCM. KCM.ORG/PARTNERNOW

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