BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Oct 2024

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Jesus there waiting for you, it wouldn't matter what you had on your schedule, you wouldn't just ignore Him. You wouldn't say, "Lord, I appreciate Your stopping by but I've had a really hard day and I'm just too tired to talk to You tonight. I'm just going to lie down here on the couch and watch TV for a while." No! If Jesus was physically sitting there in your living room so you could literally see Him with your own eyes, you know what you'd do? You'd fall on your face before Him. You'd forget about work and television and your hard day, and you'd worship Him. You'd enjoy times of refreshing in His presence and you'd pay attention to what He had to say. This is the opportunity you have as a believer. Although Jesus may not be visibly sitting at your kitchen table every day, the Holy Spirit is with you and in you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He's ready and waiting to commune with you anytime, day or night, and He has some things He wants to show you. Things you've been beating your head against the wall trying to fi gure out. Things that will enable you to live like the overcomer God has created you to be. How To Pray the Perfect Prayer "But Gloria, sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by the situations I'm facing, I don't even know how to pray about them. Sometimes I want to fellowship with God but I don't know what to say." Then take advantage of the ability to pray in other tongues that God gave you when He fi lled you with His Holy Spirit. That ability is a tremendous blessing! As Romans 8:26-27 says, when we pray in tongues, "the Spirit also helpeth our infi rmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God." The word infi rmities in that passage actually means "weaknesses." It refers to the inabilities of our fl esh. It speaks of the fact that although we as believers are spiritually unlimited, we still live in a natural body that has a lot of limitations. One of those limitations is that we don't always know what God's will is in every situation, other than what His written Word tells us—which, of course, is vitally important. The Holy Spirit, however, knows everything! He not only understands what we need, He knows our hearts and the heart of God. If we'll give Him place and pray in other tongues, He'll take hold together with us against the weaknesses of our fl esh and help us with the circumstances we're facing. He'll pray through us the perfect will of God and bring us to the place where, as Romans 8:28, Amplifi ed Bible, Classic Edition, puts it, "We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fi tting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." That scripture is often taken out of context. People tend to quote it by itself as if God promised everything would always automatically work together for our good. But that's not what the Bible says. It attaches a condition to the promise. It says that when you give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to pray God's will into your life, and into the lives of the people you love—then all things are going to work for your good! This is the absolute truth. God has things for you and me that are far better and greater than anything we could ever fi gure out with just our own natural intellect. He is able to do for us, by "the [action of His] power that is at work within us…superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infi nitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]" (Ephesians 3:20, AMPC). But for us to walk out everything He has planned, we have to do our part. We have to release the power of the Holy Spirit that's at work within us, and one of the most e§ ective ways we do that is by spending time praying in other tongues, which is praying in the spirit. Advancing the Plan of God It's no wonder that throughout Church history praying in tongues has undergone such persecution and been so maligned. The devil hates it! He wants to stop us from doing 2 8 : B V O V Sept. 30-Oct. 4 2024 Vote Special—Part 1 Pastors George & Terri Pearsons and David Barton Sun., Oct. 6 The Fear-Free Life Belongs to You In Christ Jesus Kenneth Copeland Oct. 7-11 2024 Vote Special—Part 2 Pastors George & Terri Pearsons and David Barton Sun., Oct. 13 Make the Decision, "I Will Not Fear!" Kenneth Copeland Oct. 14-18 The Authority of the Believer Kenneth Copeland Sun., Oct. 20 Jesus Delivered You From the Bondage of Fear Kenneth Copeland Oct. 21-25 How To Exercise Command Authority Kenneth Copeland Sun., Oct. 27 Overcome Fear With the Power of God's Love and His WORD Kenneth Copeland Oct. 28-Nov. 1 Receive God's Will for Your Healing Today Kenneth Copeland Watch the Spanish broadcast Enlace or WATCH ON Broadcasts subject to change without notice Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. 11 a.m. | 7:30 p.m. | 10:30 p.m. Weekly broadcast: Sun. 6 a.m. | 1 p.m. | 8 p.m. also Mon. 4:30 p.m. | Sat. 7:30 a.m. | 8:30 p.m. ET C H A N N E L Kenneth Copeland WATCH ON WATCH ON Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. C H A N N E L OCT BVOV BROADCAST CALENDAR Kenneth Copeland George Pearsons David Barton Terri Pearsons

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