4 : B V O V
Besides that, they're only here to govern,
and the government cannot create or
change a thing.
Real change—whether in the political,
economic or spiritual realm—only
happens when the Church begins to pray
and believe God. That's because we're the
ones with the authority, and we've been given
that authority in the Name of Jesus. Our problem,
however, has been that we haven't known what
to do with it.
Legalized Sin
We saw one example of this several
years ago during a U.S. presidential
election. Only an estimated 50% of
born-again Americans voted. That's
sad, especially when you consider that
less than 600 ballots in the state of Florida
determined the outcome of the entire election. It
was a clear case of believers having the authority
and power to "make a diŠ erence," yet not all of
them taking it seriously. Why didn't they?
by Kenneth Copeland
When it comes to politics,
generations of church people in America have
been saying, "Oh, we're just hoping and praying the
Democrats can fi x this mess.... Oh, we're just hoping
and praying the Republicans can fi x it...."
Well, the politicians are not God.