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an overcomer. The Word of God will!
"But Gloria, I'm a businessman. I just
don't have time for the Word."
You'd have time for it if you realized how
much being without it has cost you. If you
knew how many mistakes you've made—
how much time you've had to spend in the
lawyer's o- ce or the banker's o- ce, trying
to straighten out some problem you got
into because you weren't walking in the
wisdom of God's Word—you'd realize you
can't do without it.
There's not anything more benefi cial to
you than attending to God's Word, because
that's where your success is in every area of
life. So do whatever it takes to spend time
in the Word every day. If you have to get up
early in the morning, do it. If you have to go
to bed later at night, do it. Whether you're
a businessman, a doctor, a homemaker or
a construction worker doesn't matter. If
you want to succeed, you've got to have
the Word. It's vital to your well-being and
necessary for your victory!
Invest Fully In the Word
You don't have to limit your investment
to just the amount of Word you can fi t
into your daily devotional time, either.
Proverbs 4:20-21 says to incline your ear
to the Word and keep it in front of your
eyes to the point that it's always in the
midst of your heart.
Although that might sound hard to do,
with the technology available these days,
it's actually easy. In addition to reading
your Bible at home and going to meetings
where you can hear the anointed Word
being preached in person, you can listen
to the Word in your car, on your CD player,
your smartphone or whatever other
device you use. You can even turn on the
television or the computer and watch
Word-fi lled broadcasts like Believer's
Voice of Victory.
Back when Ken and I fi rst started putting
the Word in our hearts, we didn't have all
those resources available to us. We could
go to meetings, of course, (although there
weren't nearly as many people preaching
the Word of Faith then as there are now)
and we could read the Bible. But other than
that, the only way we could hear the Word
was by listening to messages by Brother
Kenneth E. Hagin on a big box-
like tape recorder that
played reel-to-reel tapes.
"When you see
in the Scriptures that
God's tender mercies
are over you, believe it!
Put your faith in God's
mercy to cause you to
succeed in whatever
you do."