BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Aug 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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2 4 : B V O V Every believer is "in the presence of God" in the sense that the Greater One is within. He's in us through His Spirit. But we are to learn to live mindful of Him who is within. It makes all the di• erence in life when our attention is fi xed on the One within. We rob ourselves of the highest fl ow when we don't give proper attention to Him who abides within. Psalm 16:11 (New King James Version) says that "in [His] presence is fullness of joy." Living in the presence of God is the greatest joy o- ered to God's people. One day, as I was driving down the road, God spoke to me, saying, Living in My presence doesn't come by earning, but by turning. No one has ever turned toward Me and I have not met them there. We don't have to do enough studying, praying and good works to earn His presence. He has already made Himself ours! All we must do is turn our attention toward Him. That's in keeping with what God said to me years ago: Start every day in the Spirit, then keep your heart turned toward Me all day long. It only takes a moment to turn! Turning is something everyone can do! While he was on his deathbed, King Hezekiah turned—and the turn added 15 years to his life. The prodigal son, who had left his father's house for a lifestyle of sin, made a turn—and his life was put back on course. Everyone can turn toward the presence of God. Every believer can turn. The sinner can turn. The backslider can turn. The sick one can turn. The one with fi nancial struggles can turn. The depressed one can turn. The young can turn. The old can turn. The healthy one can turn. The physically impaired one can turn. There's no one who can't turn toward the presence of God. What's in a turn? Everything! A life of joy and peace The plan of God coming into view The fellowship of God Himself Eternal life! Turning toward God includes turning toward His Word and away from everything that opposes or contradicts it. We are to live by "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4, NKJV). Turning also includes turning toward our spirit and away from the mental and physical arenas. To turn toward our spirit is to turn by Nancy Dufresne "Surely£or£only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place" (Psalm 23:6, Amplifi ed Bible, Classic Edition). Turning Toward the Presence of God

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