BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Aug 2024

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set some foundational truths in me. I knew without a doubt that I had to forgive the kids who'd rejected me." While forgiving kept her heart tender toward the other high school students, it didn't stop the loneliness. The feeling of isolation overwhelmed her. The Truth Through 14forty Eventually, Christina transitioned from Superkids to 14forty, the youth ministry for teens. It was in one of those services, she recalled, that she heard a special word as Pastor George Pearsons was ministering to the youth. "Don't compare yourself to other people," Pastor George had said during a meeting. Then, pointing at her, he asked, "What's your name?" "It's Christina." "We need you, Christina. We need you!" Turning to the audience, Pastor George urged everyone to tell her that they needed her. "We need you!" "We need you!" "We need you!" The words continued to come. Finally, Christina felt loved and supported— as though God was looking out for her. Now, looking back, she realized that God had given her that word to sustain her during some diˆcult days. During her junior and senior years in high school, Christina relied on many things she'd learned at 14forty to get her through. When she felt stung anew by the cruelty of her classmates, she pondered the words she had heard Jeremy Pearsons speak while teaching at 14forty on the fruit of the spirit. "What kind of fruit do you oŠer when people interact with you?" he had asked in one session. "Do they get something godly…or something fleshly?" "Spirit versus flesh," he repeated while everyone laughed. Her mother had bought many of those messages. Now she listened to them again and again. B V O V : 1 9 God's Definition of Value In California, she lived in the same county as Rick Reyna, a friend of Jeremy's who was a minister and Hollywood movie producer. Rick often spoke at 14forty during the conventions. He also ministered powerfully in Hollywood. He talked about worshipping God with all your heart. And presenting yourself as valuable because God says you're valuable, not because of anyone else's opinion. Christina also remembered hearing another young minister, Chip Brim, teach at 14forty. "I remember he taught one time about football," she said. "He explained that when a football player is about to make a touchdown, everyone tries to tackle him and take him down. He said your greatest opposition comes right before your biggest breakthrough." That made Christina wonder: Was she on the verge of a victory? Through a teaching she heard from Sarah Pearsons, Jeremy's wife, she learned about living a godly life, and how you don't have to go through a lot of crazy things to be used by God. It's a testimony when you live for Him your whole life, Sarah had explained. "Another thing that sustained me through that time was my church youth group," Christina remembers. "We had a good youth pastor who taught on a lot of life topics. I joined the dance team and was part of the youth leadership. I also joined the choir. I wished I'd had a better high school experience, but I focused on these B V O V : 1 9 I don't remember a time in my life when KCM hasn't been a part of it. To me, partnership means having a group of people who are all committed to serving God." "

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