BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

July 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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WORD so that when the devil challenges you, you can stand strong against him. You do it by developing your faith and swinging your WORD sword in the devil's direction until he fl ees. "I don't know, Brother Copeland. I'm not very scary. Are you sure the devil will fl ee from me?" Certainly he will! You don't look the same to him as you do to yourself. When you put on your war suit, you absolutely terrify the devil. When you strap on the breastplate of righteousness and the shoes of the gospel of peace, when you take up your shield of faith and put on the helmet of salvation with the faceplate down, the only thing the devil sees coming at him is God's armor. He doesn't know who's in there. He doesn't know you're still growing up and you don't quite fi ll up the armor yet. To him you look like more than a conqueror. So all you have to do is act like one. As long you just keep speaking The WORD and don't say something stupid like, "I sure hope this works, because if it doesn't I'm dead," the devil will run from you as surely as he'll run from Jesus Himself. "But what if he doesn't?" someone might say. "What if I try to fi ght and end up losing the battle?" That won't happen! Just go lock yourself up somewhere with your Bible and stay there until the champion shows up. Get out your faith-preaching CDs and DVDs and whatever else you have, and totally immerse yourself in The WORD until you're so strong in faith you come out chewing nails and drinking gunpowder soup! That's what Gloria and I did when we fi rst found out about the Word of Faith. It changed both of us in major ways, but what happened to Gloria was especially amazing. She'd always been very quiet and shy, but as she spent time in The WORD she got bolder and bolder. She got so strong in faith the devil didn't want anything to do with her. (He still doesn't.) Every time he tried something, she whipped up on him. I remember one time she got on him for attacking me. I'd just gotten home from days of preaching on the road and I was having fl u symptoms. I was so tired that instead of standing on The WORD like I should have, I just collapsed onto the bed and felt sorry for myself. As I was lying there in the dark, seemingly from out of nowhere Gloria jumped on me, praying in tongues and shouting at the top of her voice, "You fl u demon, in the Name of Jesus, you get o• my husband!" She knocked me completely out of the bed and onto the fl oor. "OK! OK!" I said. "I'm healed!" I was totally healed when I hit the fl oor. I remember another time a few years later when she jumped on our young son, John, in much the same way. He'd said something sassy to her, thinking he could get away with it because she's so sweet and even-tempered all the time. I don't recall exactly what he said, but whatever it was, Gloria could tell the devil was working on him. Instantly, she turned into "Faith Woman!" She fl at-footed it over the living room sofa to where John was and dealt with that devil right then and there. His eyes got big and he said, "Wow, Mama!" I'm sure the devil was saying much the same thing as he was running out the door. He was saying, "Wow!" because Gloria knows who she is in Christ Jesus. As a believer, you ought to know who you are in Christ Jesus, too. You ought to be acting like a world champion of faith and keeping the devil on the run. So get in The WORD and get after it! Connect by faith with God's grace and let Him turn your life into a little Eden right here on earth. Let Him fi ll your life so full of supernatural abundance that people wandering around in the wilderness of this world can see His power and lovingkindness through you! 2024 Southwest Believers' Convention July 29-Aug. 3 | Fort Worth, Texas For updated event information visit: KCM.ORG/EVENTS Join FlashPoint LIVE Columbus, Ohio June 27-28 Fort Worth, Texas July 28 Omaha, Neb. Sept. 12 New Orleans, La. Oct. 10-11 Learn more and register at Schedule is subject to change without notice. events Join us! 8 : B V O V

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