BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

July 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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3 0 : B V O V JULY BVOV BROADCAST CALENDAR July 1-5 The Good Life God Has Prepared for You Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle Sun., July 7 Jesus Has Freed You from All Fear Kenneth Copeland July 8-12 Developing Faith in God's Love—Part 1 Kenneth and Gloria Copeland Sun., July 14 Obeying God's Word Produces a Fearless Life Kenneth Copeland July 15-19 Developing Faith in God's Love—Part 2 Kenneth and Gloria Copeland Sun., July 21 You Have Been Redeemed from the Curse of Fear Kenneth Copeland July 22-26 Faith For Our National Elections—Part 1 Pastors George and Terri Pearsons Sun., July 28 Stay Connected to God's Love for a Fearless Life Kenneth Copeland July 29-August 2 Faith For Our National Elections—Part 2 Pastors George and Terri Pearsons Watch the Spanish broadcast Enlace or WATCH ON Broadcasts subject to change without notice Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. 11 a.m. | 7:30 p.m. | 10:30 p.m. Weekly broadcast: Sun. 6 a.m. | 1 p.m. | 8 p.m. also Mon. 4:30 p.m. | Sat. 7:30 a.m. | 8:30 p.m. ET C H A N N E L WATCH ON WATCH ON Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. C H A N N E L God didn't expect Joshua to be able to knock over the walls of Jericho with his own strength. Those walls were going to come down supernaturally. All Joshua had to do was trust God and take the next step. God told Joshua, "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:9). He's saying the same thing to you today. "Don't be afraid. Be strong. Be courageous for I am with you!" That's the thing we have to remember. God is in us. He is with us. If God has given you an impossible assignment, don't worry about it. He knows exactly how to complete it. And He intends to complete it through you. It's the Anointed One in you who is going to do the work. It's the Spirit of God who will bring those impossible things to pass. All you have to do is take the next step. Of course, you will have to do some things to fi nd out what that next step is. You'll have to spend time in the Word, time praying in the spirit, time listening for and expecting to hear His direction. But don't expect Him to give you 10 steps at one time. He rarely does. He just tells you what you can do today. The secret is to be trusting and simple, to come as a little child before the Lord and hear from Him every day. Don't try to fi gure out all the things you need to do and how to do them. Just listen day by day, take one step at a time, and you will come to the place where God wants you to be. You will fi nish your race. In the meantime, don't be weighed down with the need to get everything done right now. Don't struggle along, trying to hurry up the process. Learn to obey and, day by day, let God get it done on His schedule. Kenneth Hagin prophesied years ago that days of preparation are never wasted days. So if you feel like you haven't arrived yet, relax. You haven't arrived yet! But if you're out there walking on the water with your eyes on Jesus, taking one step at a time, you're well on your way. before him. That focus carried him through in triumph. The same thing is true for us today, which was true for Paul. If we're going to do the impossible, there's only one way to do it—by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the One who is Lord over this universe. It's the Pleasures, Not the Problems! One thing you need to be aware of, however, is this: It's not always the problems of this life that distract us. Sometimes it's the pleasures. Sometimes we just allow the natural things of living to draw us o¤ course. If you're going to run your race e¤ ectively, you'll have to lay aside some things. Hebrews 12:1 says, "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Weights and sin are not the same thing. Most of us are willing to lay aside sin. But we're reluctant to let go of those "harmless" things that just weigh us down. Things which occupy the time we need to be spending in prayer and the Word, for example. Things that hold us down and keep us in the natural realm instead of allowing us to soar in the Spirit. Weights like that won't just go away by themselves. They have to be purposely laid aside. God won't lay them aside for you. You have to do it. It's not easy to fi nish your course. It is easier to fall by the wayside, to let some distracting circumstance or some lying devil talk you into giving up by making you feel inadequate and alone. If that has happened to you, let me tell you something today. In yourself, you are inadequate. But you're not alone! That makes all the di¤ erence. When God spoke to the faith heroes in the Old Testament, men like Moses and Joshua, He would always say, "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. It doesn't really matter who you are. It is who is with you that counts!" Kenneth Copeland Gloria Copeland George Pearsons Terri Pearsons Jerry Savelle

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