BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

July 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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B V O V : 2 3 Prayer itself is powerful because of the great power it releases. To use another metaphor, prayer is powerful like a gun is powerful— because of the ammunition it delivers. But you need to know how to load your prayer gun. You need to know how and where to aim it so that your prayers hit the mark. Just think how much depends upon prayer! The salvation of souls depends on it. Souls are not won nor lives transformed without prayer. Forgiveness depends on it. Without prayer, forgiveness cannot be received and without forgiveness people remain trapped in sin. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit depends on it. Our nation depends on it. According to 1 Timothy 2:1-4, our prayers for those in authority maintain conditions in our nation that allow us to live peaceful lives in godliness. All you have to do is look around at society these days to see that somebody, a lot of somebodies, didn't pray. On the other hand, you can look in the Bible at people who did pray and see the many wonderful things that have happened as a result. For example: • Abraham prayed and Isaac was born. • Moses prayed and received from God the fi rst fi ve books of the Bible, including the Ten Commandments. • Joshua prayed and the sun stood still, and Israel was victorious. • David prayed and he slew giants, became king, built a natural kingdom, laid the foundation for the Messianic Kingdom, and— most importantly—found the heart of God. • Solomon prayed, became the wisest and wealthiest man ever, built the Temple and the glory appeared. • The prophets prayed and fi re fell, armies fell and lions went hungry. • Jesus prayed—and thank God He did, because without prayer there would have been no choosing of the disciples, the Father would not have sent the Holy Spirit, and Jesus would be unemployed because He ever lives to make intercession for you and me (Hebrews 7:25). No wonder 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to "pray without ceasing"! ICopeland Pearsons shares her journey to a Copeland Pearsons shares her journey to a Copeland Pearsons shares her journey to a life of prayer. The lessons she learned as a little life of prayer. The lessons she learned as a little life of prayer. The lessons she learned as a little girl sitting at her grandmother's feet impacted girl sitting at her grandmother's feet impacted girl sitting at her grandmother's feet impacted her forever—shaping her ministry and allowing her forever—shaping her ministry and allowing her forever—shaping her ministry and allowing her to encounter God in a personal and her to encounter God in a personal and continual way. As you read through the pages, continual way. As you read through the pages, you'll discover practical teaching and inspiring stories that will lead you into your own journey of closer fellowship with God and the kinds of daily encounters with Him your heart craves. An Encounter With Him | $24.95 | B240701 KCM.ORG/ENCOUNTER 1-800-600-7395 (U.S. only) Preorders will be shipped in August 2024. FREE standard shipping included. E x p e r i e nc e Living Encounters W i t h J e sus … W i t h J e sus … every single day "Every time we encounter the Lord in prayer, we're changed by His presence." —Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons Preorder Today! 24 95 N E W I this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri i n p r ay e r ! i n p r ay e r ! i n p r ay e r ! i n p r ay e r ! "Every time we encounter the Lord in prayer, we're changed by His presence." —Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons N E W I n this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri NEW BOOK FROM TERRI COPELAND PEARSONS

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