BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

July 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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2 0 : B V O V Every person ever born has built into them a desire to come to God. Because we are all His "o• spring" (Acts 17:29) and all human spirits originally proceeded from Him, people in general have a desire to reconnect to where they came from—to pray. Born-again believers, especially, sense the call to pray. But they don't always respond to that call. Some push it down because prayer intimidates them. It seems too big. They think, I don't know how to pray. I don't know what to say to God. Other believers may attempt to pray, but then they get discouraged. They back away from prayer because their prayers don't seem to produce any results. James 5:16 tells us what the problem is in such cases. It says, "The e• ectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Notice it's not just any prayer that avails much or gets results. It's the right kind of prayer, prayed the right way, that gets the job done. Is there really a right and wrong way to pray? you might wonder. Yes. James 4:3 says, "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss" (New King James Version). But that doesn't have to scare us, because we have the Bible. When our prayers aren't getting results, we can fi nd out from the Word of God and by the illumination of the Spirit where we've gone awry. Now since as Jesus said, His words are spirit and life, we know we can gain understanding of anything related to prayer directly from the Word of God. Learning from the written Word how to be led inwardly by the Spirit doesn't readily "compute" to the by Terri Copeland Pearsons The Right Kind of Prayer This article is an excerpt from the new book An Encounter With Him by Terri Copeland Pearsons. See ad at the end of this article.

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