BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

June 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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toward God that I hadn't experienced with the fi rst house. Somehow I just expected Him to give me what I asked. I knew in my heart I'd been diligent to do the things He wanted me to do. I'd been faithful to Him—and I expected Him to be faithful to me. It wasn't something I had to work up in my mind and believe. It was a confi dence that was simply there when I needed it. There was nothing in my heart to condemn me and say, "You know, you haven't really been spending time in the Word like you should. You've been lax about your prayer time." You see, it's not God who holds out on us. Our prayers are hindered because our own lack of consecration a„ ects our hearts. It keeps us from receiving what God wants to give. Jesus had so much confi dence in the Father that His faith knew no possibility of defeat. He also said, "I always do those things that please My Father." Can you see the connection? Jesus' total dedication to pleasing God caused total confi dence in the Father. And total dedication in your life to the things of God will do the same thing for you. It will clear the weeds from the ground of your heart. It will cause the soil of your life to be rich and pure and productive. So when you sow to the spirit, you'll reap your harvest much faster. You'll plant God's Word in your heart and confess it with your mouth, and before long you'll see the results springing forth. Jesus will make Himself real to you. And your heart will be constantly fi lled with confi dence toward God. If that's not a fabulous way to live, I don't know what is! Why don't you take the challenge God has for you? Determine to please Him. Clear out all the unproductive things and step up to a new level of dedication. Don't put it o„ another minute. Pour on the power of obedience—and open the door for God to pour out His power on you! B V O V : 2 9 24 95 N E W N E W E x p e r i e nc e Living Encounters W i t h J e su s … every single day i n p r ay e r ! i n p r ay e r ! "Every time we encounter the Lord in prayer, we're changed by His presence." —Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons I n this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons shares her journey to a Copeland Pearsons shares her journey to a Copeland Pearsons shares her journey to a life of prayer. The lessons she learned as a little life of prayer. The lessons she learned as a little life of prayer. The lessons she learned as a little girl sitting at her grandmother's feet impacted girl sitting at her grandmother's feet impacted girl sitting at her grandmother's feet impacted her forever—shaping her ministry and allowing her forever—shaping her ministry and allowing her forever—shaping her ministry and allowing her to encounter God in a personal and her to encounter God in a personal and her to encounter God in a personal and continual way. As you read through the pages, continual way. As you read through the pages, continual way. As you read through the pages, you'll discover practical teaching and inspiring you'll discover practical teaching and inspiring stories that will lead you into your own journey stories that will lead you into your own journey of closer fellowship with God and the kinds of daily encounters with Him your heart craves. Preorder Pastor Terri's new book for the special introductory price of $24.95! An Encounter With Him | $24.95 | B240606 KCM.ORG/ENCOUNTER 1-800-600-7395 (U.S. only) 24 24 95 I n this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri "Every time we encounter the Lord in prayer, we're changed by His presence." —Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons I n this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri this heartwarming book, Pastor Terri Preorders will be shipped in August 2024. FREE standard shipping included.

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