BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

June 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Heavenly Father, I join with my brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ and lift up our nation to You. During this crucial election year, I claim Your personal choice for every of ce, in the Name of The LORD Jesus Christ. Give us leaders who have willing hearts to listen to Your voice and follow Your will. Remove any who refuse. I pray that all our leaders come into the knowledge of Your perfect will and carry it out. Give them wisdom and revelation. Give us leaders who will do what is right so the Church can live in peace, honesty and godliness and The WORD can go forth freely. Thank You, Father, that this country has a God-fearing president. I declare that we have God-fearing leaders in every position of authority at national, state and local levels. B V O V : 2 3 We are responsible for everything that happens in the earth politically. Reveal to me, LORD, how to vote. I commit to do my part, and I'll be a witness to encourage others to do the same. I declare that we have a record turnout of Christian voters in every election this year. Father, we choose You. We choose to pray, listen and obey. Thank You, LORD, that people all across the land are repenting and turning to You. Our nest hour as a nation is just beginning. Thank You for watching over and protecting us. I declare that we are, and we remain, one nation under God. I give You all the praise and the glory for it, in Jesus' mighty Name. Amen! An Election Year Prayer for the Nation

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