BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

June 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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TESTIMONIES OF REAL-LIFE Open Door I called because I have been out of work for months. I received prayer several times for work, after applying for many jobs. Recently, I was hired to do a job perfect for me. PTL! C.M. | North Carolina Forgiven To Forgive Brother Copeland prayed a prayer that believers have redemption from destruction, as promised in God's Word in Psalm 103 and 91. I pray this prayer daily over myself and my family. I was led of the Holy Spirit to add: "Father, thank You for activation and application of the blood of Jesus to us." I asked the Lord how to do that. Fast forward, Pastors George and Terri were on Believer's Voice of Victory and began teaching on the lifestyle of forgiveness, which answered my prayer—and what an answer it was. I had been in sin and unforgiveness, and out of love with my neighbors. As I responded, I was able to apply and activate the blood. I went to my neighbors, repented and asked for forgiveness. Weights were immediately lifted and God is restoring relationships. Thank you, Brother and Sister Copeland and Pastors Terri and George, for your faithfulness, obedience, and willingness to hear and honor the Lord Jesus. A.B | Mississippi The Lord's Word Produces Life Dear Pastors Terri and George, I have been watching the series on healing promises and wanted to share this with you. The teaching has renewed my commitment to keeping the Word in my heart/eyes/ears all day long. I have scripture inside cupboards and on index cards, and a scripture on my door to read and touch as I exit my home. Also, I am refl ecting on activities that drain my time and take me away from the Word. Thank you for your enthusiastic, scriptural teaching! L.L. | Florida Victorious and Triumphant Recently I tuned in to one of your broadcasts. I repeated a prayer with you and the congregation. It consisted of healing, victory, wholeness and triumph, as I recall. When I went to sleep that night, an affl iction that I had been suffering with since the age of 2 was broken! I had prayed many days and nights for this, as this is something I was trusting in God to help me with. I know by faith in the spirit realm that affl iction is fi nished and behind me now. Thank you for listening to my testimony, for preaching the Word of God, and for all that you all are doing. K. B. 2 0 : B V O V 'Back to Normal' I have been on dialysis for a few months. My wife got a text from the doctor's o" ce, and they said I wouldn't need dialysis anymore because my kidneys were getting back to normal and beginning to function as Let Every Creature Praise the Lord I called in for prayer for my dog, that was not able to stand or use its legs. My dog started to respond immediately after prayer and three days later she is standing on her legs and moving. T.G. | Texas "Living a lifestyle of love is essential if you want to maintain living contact with God." —Gloria Copeland they should! I've been watching the EMIC services and had decided to join the fast, and this came about on the fi rst day of the fast. L.S. | New Mexico He Provides for Our Needs Shortly after I prayed with a prayer minister, I received two checks and was able to pay two bills. M.S. | Arkansas I called a couple weeks ago asking prayer for a young woman who had COVID and was on a respirator to keep her alive. Now she is off the breathing machine, recovering well. PTL! D.P. | Rhode Island Faith for Others The Lord Has the Final Say Dear Brother and Sister Copeland, I wanted to share, as a Partner, I had bloodwork done and got the results. There was something o— , so they did another test. I have been speaking healing over my body, declaring that every drop of my blood would be divinely healed. I got a call recently from my doctor's o" ce and the second round came back as completely normal. Praise God! M.W. | Tennessee

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