BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

June 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Grabbing hold of that message, they began studying the Word of Faith. "When we began learning about faith, I started watching Brother Kenneth and Gloria. We went to several of their crusades and ended up doing some together. When they started having ministers' conferences, we attended those when we could. "In 1976, we were in Zimbabwe. The day before we were supposed to fl y home with our team, we realized that we were $5,000 short. It may as well have been $5 million. We fell on our faces in prayer. "The next morning, Brother Copeland called our oŽ ce. He said, 'The Lord told me that Reba and Dony need $5,000. Where should I wire it?'" One time Brother Copeland prophesied that Reba and Dony were a "bridge ministry." In her mind's eye, Reba saw the London Bridge. But Brother Copeland stopped and said, "No, no, no, no, no. You're not a big, fancy bridge. You're a rope. You'll be thrown across dangerous crevices. Men will crawl across the rope. Some will look back and say, 'If it hadn't been for the rope, I would have perished.'" See It and Seize It They traveled to Los Angeles for Reba to undergo surgery. While she was in the hospital, Dony went shopping in Beverly Hills and bought her a stunning maternity dress. "The Lord spoke to me to buy this," Dony told Reba. "I know that if we can see it, we can seize it." Dony later took Reba to a photographer, and had her picture taken while wearing the maternity dress. She stuž ed a pillow underneath to give the impression of being pregnant. Once back home, they posted those pictures throughout the house, in their oŽ ce—even on their travel bus. When people would ask, "Is Reba pregnant?" Dony would reply, "Isn't she?" Eventually, Reba became pregnant. While on a trip to Miami, at fi ve-and-one-half months pregnant, she began to hemorrhage— just as she had done three times before. Only this time, faith rose in their hearts and Reba and Dony prayed like they'd never prayed before. Afterward, Reba slept nearly 24 hours. Back home, they went straight to her doctor's oŽ ce for an ultrasound. They couldn't hear a heartbeat. The nurse had urged Dony to not watch the ultrasound. "No, I'm going in there," Dony said. "I'm going to see my baby alive." During the ultrasound the tech said, "She looks great!" She? "I was stunned," Reba recalls. "Not because the baby was alive, but because it was a girl! As soon as Dony and I married, I saw a little boy running across the room. It was so vivid, I thought he was real. The Lord told me that his name was Israel Anthem McGuire. His initials would be I AM. He was a son of God and would have a unique prophetic gift. I didn't know I was going to have a daughter. If I'd had Israel fi rst, I probably would have relaxed my faith." Destiny was born in 1976. Israel was born in 1988. Darkness and Light In 1993, Reba and Dony traveled to Riverside, Calif., for a three-day meeting. Revival broke out and they stayed for 77 services. It didn't stop. One revival in Arizona lasted for two years. They fi nally shredded their schedule. "During that time, Dony struggled physically and mentally," Reba explains. "Two days after Christmas in 2018, he told me that he was leaving me, and the ministry. "I ended up having a breakdown too." This trauma episode triggered an old one in Reba's life that she thought she had buried. "When I was a child, a man in our community sexually molested me," she said. "The Lord directed me to a place that deals with trauma. I stayed there seven weeks. "I was raised during a time when people 1 6 : B V O V HOW TO USE THEIR FAITH. JOIN US IN TEACHING BELIEVERS Partner with KCM. JOIN US I was raised during a time when people didn't talk about sickness, disease or emotional pain. They sure didn't talk about abuse. But there comes a time of reckoning when you need to turn and face the dragon. KCM.ORG/PARTNERNOW

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