BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

May 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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B V O V : 2 7 Every problem that we, as believers, face in life can be conquered if we do this one thing: Take time to hear from heaven. I know that sounds simple, but it's the absolute truth. If we do what's necessary to stay in communion with the Lord, we can walk every day in His BLESSING. We can enjoy supernatural victory even while we live in a natural body. We can triumph over trouble even while the world around us is in turmoil. In other words, we can experience what believers experienced in the early days of the Church. As Acts 9:31 says: "[They had] rest…and were edifi ed; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied." That's a wonderful way to live and it's what God wants for all His children. He wants every one of us—no matter what our circumstances or where we might live—to be built up, comforted, directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. He wants us to multiply in every way, while at the same time enjoying the rest that comes from the presence of the Lord. Even though that's God's will for us, that kind of life doesn't fall on us automatically like an apple oœ a tree. We have to press in to Him and receive it. As Hebrews 4:11 says, we have to "labour therefore to enter into that rest." What exactly is involved in laboring to enter God's rest? Clearly, it doesn't involve struggling to earn your way into it through your own human eœ orts. Jesus—through His life, death and resurrection—has already done all the earning there is to do. In Him you've already been blessed with "all spiritual blessings in heavenly places" (Ephesians by Gloria Copeland B V O V : 2 7 POINTS TO GET YOU THERE: 1 By staying in communion with the Lord you can walk every day in His rest and His BLESSING. ( Acts 9:31) 2 Developing your fellowship with Him requires some effort on your part. (Heb. 4:11) 3 You walk with God not by relying on the strength of your own fl esh but by walking in the spirit. (Phil. 2:13) 4 You're born again to walk and talk with God. (John 10:27) 5 The Holy Spirit (the One who knows everything!) has come to live in you to serve as your personal Counselor. (John 16:7) "The Holy Spirit— the One who knows everything!— has come to live in you to teach you HOW TO WALK WITH GOD in every situation of life and serve as your personal Counselor."

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