BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

May 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Galatians 4:19 that he did for the church in Galatia: "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you." How do you travail in prayer? You do it in the Holy Ghost. You spend time praising and worshipping God over the great outpouring He has in store for this country. You stand on His WORD and pray in other tongues until you get over in the spirit where the Holy Ghost can take hold together with you and make intercession through you according to the will of God. (See Romans 8:26-28.) You don't have to be a spiritual giant to do that. My daughter Terri started doing it when she was just a child. She decided as a sixth grader to fast her lunch and pray for her school, and amazing things happened. Other students started joining her and asking her to pray for them in between classes to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Such a move of God broke out in that school that one day the principal felt it necessary to announce over the loudspeaker, "There will be no more praying in tongues in the girls' restroom!" Of course, if you want to see those kinds of results from your prayers, you do have to be praying in faith. You can't get anywhere whining to God in unbelief. Faith is where everything starts. It's the key to unlocking the storehouses of the spirit. That's why Jesus said in Mark 11:22, "Have faith in God." Or, as that phrase can also be translated, "Have the faith of God." "Brother Copeland, I just don't have that kind of faith!" Sure, you do. God gave it to you as a gift the moment you were born again. Just as He does every believer, He dealt to you "the measure" of His very own faith (Romans 12:3). His faith is powerful stu˜ ! It's what He used to create the heavens and the earth. He didn't just make them out of nothing, as religion sometimes teaches. He did it by speaking words that were fi lled with "the substance" of faith (Hebrews 11:1). He said by faith, "Light be!" and light exploded into the darkness and created 16 billion miles of universe within 24 hours. That's the kind of thing God's faith can do, and now you have a measure of it. You may not have done a lot with it yet, but it's there in your spirit to be fed with The WORD, developed and used. So, go ahead and put it to work. Put these four faith fundamentals into operation and help bring forth the will of God, not only in your own life and circumstances but in your nation. First, take your stand on what God promised in His WORD He would do when His people pray. Meditate on verses like 2 Chronicles 7:14 and believe God will respond to your prayers and heal our land. Second, give voice to your faith. Don't join in with the naysayers when they start neighing about how the country is going downhill. Say what God said about it. Follow the Apostle Paul's example and say like he did in 2 Corinthians 4:13: "We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak." Third, act on your faith. Seek The LORD about how He wants you to vote and then do it. Ask Him how you can actively BLESS your neighborhood, your city and your state, and do whatever He says. Fourth, forgive. Faith won't work in an unforgiving heart, so refuse to stay in strife with anyone, including the politicians whose policies annoy you. Instead, let the LOVE of God fl ow through you as you pray for them. If we'll do our part and pray in faith and LOVE, God will certainly do His part. He'll fulfi ll to the max what He promised in His WORD. He will heal our land! 8 : B V O V WE DON'T GO BY WHAT THINGS LOOK LIKE IN THE NATURAL. WE GO BY WHAT GOD SAID IN THE BIBLE. EVERY WORD IN THAT BOOK IS BLOOD-BACKED AND BLOOD-BOUGHT. In this groundbreaking new book from Kenneth Copeland and Greg Stephens, discover how the holy Bible is a book of Blood covenants ratifi ed in the sinless blood of Jesus— guaranteeing your access to healing, peace and provision in every area of your life! See the Story of the Bible Unfold More Clearly Than Ever Before! In this groundbreaking new book from Kenneth Copeland and Greg Stephens, discover of the Bible Unfold More Clearly Than Ever Before! God, the Covenant, and the Contradiction hardcover KCM.ORG/MAG 1-800-600-7395 (U.S. only) FREE standard shipping included. Offer price valid through May 31, 2024 $ 26 99 #B240501

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