BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

April 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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the program was top secret. So they'd just pray together in the spirit, believing they'd receive. Eventually, Clyde would get the answer. "That's it!" he'd say. Then he'd go back to work and implement the solution to the problem. Clyde's team members thought he was the smartest guy who ever lived. He later became known as the Father of the Satellite. But it was really the God he was talking to who is the smartest One who ever lived. God knows everything! He knows all the answers to all the problems everywhere. He knows everything from how to cook…to how to turn around a fl oundering business…to how to fi x the clutch on a '47 Dodge. Best of all, He knows how to communicate His knowledge to you. He just needs you to give Him some faith to work with. He just needs you to stop worrying and saying, "I don't know," and start praying in tongues and believing you receive. You don't have to be a rocket scientist like Clyde McGee to bring the wisdom of God on the scene and be a positive force in this nation. You have the mind of God inside you! You have the most gigantic, magnifi cent storage of information in existence available to you 24 hours a day. What are you doing wasting your time whining around in the natural about politicians and all the problems they're causing? Come on up into the realm of the supernatural where you, as a born-again believer, are created to live. Do in the spirit what I do as a pilot when I get into the cockpit of a jet airplane. Fire up your spiritual engines by praying in other tongues and keep pushing up the power until you take o• and rise above the realm of the fl esh and the carnal mind. Let the lowlands of the natural drop away behind you and soar up to the place where you can view things from God's perspective. I can guarantee you'll like what you see from up there. Instead of seeing this nation in a mess and going under, you'll see a land that's being healed. You'll see a nation that truly is being born again! B V O V : 9 PRAYERS POSITION WITH PUNCH START WITH by Terri Copeland Pearsons You slip out of bed, feel your way through the dark and somewhat sluggishly settle in to that familiar place where you "meet with God" for a few quiet moments before the sun comes up. This morning, however, is not the same. You gently turn the knob, as you've done so many times before, and open the door for a time of intimacy with Him. But this time you're met with a blasting voice that knocks you to your face. When you fi nally come to your senses, that same voice—which sounds like the waters of a rushing, mighty river—beckons you, "Come up!" Come where? your mind asks. Suddenly, you're jolted again. Intense, blazing torches and fl ashes of lightning fi ll the air, followed by peals of thunder and lingering rumblings. Visions of kingly men in golden crowns and science-fi ction-like creatures cause you to blink your eyes to see if this is all real. But you know it's real the moment your eyes settle on the one central fi gure, as described by the Apostle John: Clothed with a robe which reached to His feet and with a girdle of gold about His breast. His Imagine getting up early one morning to get away to your prayer closet. B V O V : 9

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