BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

April 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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3 0 : B V O V APRIL BVOV BROADCAST CALENDAR April 1-5 Core Values for a Victorious Life—Part 1 Pastors George & Terri Copeland Pearsons Sun., April 7 Discover Your Covenant Relationship With God Kenneth Copeland April 8-12 Core Values for a Victorious Life—Part 2 Kenneth Copeland Sun., April 14 Be Fully Persuaded of God's Covenant Promise to You Kenneth Copeland April 15-19 The Covenant vs. the Contradiction Kenneth Copeland Sun., April 21 Right-Standing With God Is Part of Your Covenant Benefits Kenneth Copeland April 22-26 A Covenant of Grace and Faith Kenneth Copeland Sun., April 28 Your Words Activate the Fundamental Laws of Faith Kenneth Copeland Watch the Spanish broadcast Enlace or WATCH ON Broadcasts subject to change without notice Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. 11 a.m. | 7:30 p.m. | 10:30 p.m. Weekly broadcast: Sun. 6 a.m. | 8 p.m. also Mon. 4:30 p.m. | Sat. 7:30 a.m. | 8:30 p.m. ET C H A N N E L WATCH ON WATCH ON Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. C H A N N E L Kenneth Copeland George Pearsons Terri Copeland Pearsons months we paid it all o . Little did we know that God was laying a foundation, training us in the principles that would eventually enable us to head a worldwide outreach and fulfi ll all we are called to do, without depending on the world's system of fi nance. The Longest Night In History God taught us vital lessons about ordering our home life according to His Word in those fi rst years too. We learned the importance of agreement, for example (Matthew 18:19). We saw in the Bible that "where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work" (James 3:16). So we made a decision that we would walk in love and keep strife out of our home at all costs. I have no doubt that if we hadn't learned that early in our lives, the devil would have used strife to stop the power of God in our ministry at some point. Of course, I could go on and on about all God has done for us and taught us over the years. I could tell you how we had to hold on to the dream of worldwide ministry when people were staying away from our services by the millions. In the beginning Ken preached meetings where just a handful of people attended. Back then a crowd of 300 seemed like a multitude. (It took a long time to get 300 people.) But no matter how few people were there, Ken preached like there were thousands...because that's what God had promised him. That's the dream he had in his heart. Someone once said to Ken, "Your ministry just took o overnight." "If it did, it was the longest night in history!" he answered. Remember that next time the devil tries to discourage you by pointing out how slow things seem to be progressing in your life. When he taunts you about your failures and shortcomings, when he magnifi es the obstacles in your path and says, "You'll never make it; you don't have what it takes to do anything that big," don't let him to steal your dream. Just answer him and say, "Yes, I do. I have Jesus. I have the Word of God. I have the power of the Holy Spirit. And that's all I need." Ken and I can tell you from personal experience, that's the truth. We were total failures before God got hold of us. Now, look what He has done. We are standing in our dream, and if you'll continue trusting and obeying Him, one day you'll be standing in yours too. toward our dream. When I say that, I don't mean we went out and bought radio airtime. No, we had to start right where we were. We had to have a car, a place to live—in other words, we had to start believing for the necessities of life. We had to start by believing God for food on our table. Some days I had to exercise great faith and pray in tongues just to make sure I had enough money to pay the cashier at the grocery store! That may sound like an insignifi cant thing. But years later, Ken and I found we could use that same kind of grocery-store faith to believe for millions of dollars needed for television broadcasts. Actually, when I look back now I can see that during those times God was laying the foundations in our lives. He was teaching us the lessons from His Word that would equip us for what we're doing now. It was in those days, for instance, we learned about tithing. In earlier days, we'd tithe and then stop because we fi gured we needed the money more than God did. But as we studied the Word, we made a quality decision that we were going to tithe no matter what. We decided that even if we had to go hungry—we would give God His part of our increase fi rst. Financially, that was a turning point in our lives. That was when things began to consistently improve for us, and we're still benefi ting from that lesson today. In return, God has been faithful to do what He promised. We continually live under an open window. It was also in those early days that we found the scripture in Romans 13:8 that says, "Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another..." (Amplifi ed Bible, Classic Edition). I'll admit to you that initially we weren't thrilled with the idea of living without debt. We had lived on borrowed money for years. How can we ever have a car? We thought. How can we ever have a home? How can we ever build this big ministry God has put in our hearts? We didn't know the answers to those questions, but we already had made a commitment to obey God's Word no matter what, so we immediately stopped charging anything or borrowing any money. We weren't doing it to be blessed fi nancially. We didn't have much revelation of prosperity at the time. But we did know that God had promised to take care of us, so we just put our trust in Him. Eleven months later, we were completely out of debt. I still don't know exactly how it happened. We weren't making much money and we owed thousands of dollars. But somehow during those

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