BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

April 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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B V O V : 2 7 My reason for writing it is to encourage you to hang on to that dream, to remind you that no matter how small you feel right now and no matter how big your dream may seem to be, God is powerful enough to bring it to pass. The Scriptures reveal that truth again and again. They show us Abraham, who dared to dream that God would give him a son even though at 100 years old he was childless and his wife was old and barren. No doubt the people around him laughed when, at God's command, he began to call himself the Father of Many Nations. But Abraham kept on believing and eventually he found himself standing in his dream. The Bible is full of people with impossible dreams. God intended for us to read about them and be inspired. But all too often we look at them as if they were somehow di• erent from ordinary people like us. We forget that they had faults and failures, weaknesses and inadequacies just like we do (James 5:17). As a result, we sometimes shy away from the great dreams God tries to give us. We stagger at the thought that God might be able to work through us in the same powerful ways He worked through those faith heroes of old. That's why I want to show you today, not just from the Bible, but from my own personal experience that if you'll just believe Him, God can do impossible things through you. I know that's true because today Ken and I are standing in our dream. We are seeing things come to pass that God put in our hearts many years ago. If you've only known us over the past few years, you may not realize what an amazing work God has done in our lives. You may think God has given us a worldwide ministry— opportunities to spread the gospel, and allowed us to participate in bringing millions of souls into the kingdom of God each year...all because we're something special. But I want to assure you that Ken and I aren't anything special. We aren't super-successful people God was grateful to fi nd for His service. On the contrary, before He got hold of our lives, we were an absolute mess. Big Debts and Bad Decisions You see, Kenneth and I haven't always been preachers. In fact, I'd always said I'd never marry a preacher and the fi rst time I ever saw Kenneth Copeland, he was far from a preacher. He fl ew planes and sang in nightclubs, and the fi rst weekend we went out, he asked me to marry him. What surprised me was when I heard myself say, "Yes." I couldn't believe I had done it. Of course, I was only 19 years old and I didn't have much sense. I thought, What have I done? I hardly know this guy. (He was quite a charmer. I'd never had anybody look into my eyes and sing "Misty" to me before.) Then I assured myself, I can get out of it later! Unfortunately, in those fi rst few years, the by Gloria Copeland If God has given you a dream— a dream of doing something so great and so wonderful it seems almost impossible—this article is for you.

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