BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

March 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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3 0 : B V O V MAR BVOV BROADCAST CALENDAR Feb. 26-March 1 How To Keep Your Healing Pastors George & Terri Copeland Pearsons Sun., March 3 Receive God's Covenant Plan for Your Healing Kenneth Copeland March 4-8 Like God Kenneth Copeland Sun., March 10 God Has Given You Victory Over Sickness and Disease! Kenneth Copeland March 11-15 The Spirit of Truth Kenneth Copeland Sun., March 17 Get To Know Your Covenant With God Kenneth Copeland March 18-22 Faith Is Your Victory Kenneth Copeland Sun., March 24 Your Words Activate the Fundamental Laws of Faith Kenneth Copeland March 25-29 Set Your Mind On God and His WORD Kenneth Copeland Sun., March 31 Jesus Has Redeemed You From the Curse! Kenneth Copeland Watch the Spanish broadcast Enlace or WATCH ON Broadcasts subject to change without notice Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. 11 a.m. | 7:30 p.m. | 10:30 p.m. Weekly broadcast: Sun. 6 a.m. | 1 p.m. | 8 p.m. also Mon. 4:30 p.m. | Sat. 7:30 a.m. | 8:30 p.m. ET C H A N N E L WATCH ON WATCH ON Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. C H A N N E L • Kenneth Copeland George Pearsons Terri Copeland Pearsons In this last, great move of God on the earth, people are going to start seeing those manifestations again. Signs and wonders are going to follow the Word just like they did in the book of Acts. And if you're preaching the Word of God, those signs are going to follow you! You and I don't have to be bystanders who just watch what God is doing. We can be part of it if we want to, and I'm telling you right now—I want to! I don't want to be tangled up with natural endeavors that won't even matter to me a year from now. I want to be under the spout where the glory comes out! God didn't put me in this end-time generation so I could fritter away my time on the temporary things of the world. He didn't baptize me in the Holy Spirit so I could give all my time and attention to some silly thing that I won't even remember next year. He equipped me with His power so I could fl ow in the Spirit and accomplish eternal things for Him that will last forever! He sent me here to show forth His mighty deeds and display His love (1 Peter 2:9, AMPC). Jesus said, "As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you" (John 20:21). How did the Father send Jesus? He sent Him anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power (Acts 10:38). And He is sending us to live like Jesus lived. To do that, we must get out of the world's fl ow and stop being limited by its sickness, poverty and lack of power. And we must start living instead in the fl ow of the Spirit. We must start living a life of abundance, blessing, health and increase—a life that acts like the Word of God is true, a life that lets the Holy Spirit lead and love and light the way. That kind of life is available now to every believer who is willing to step into it. It is ready to fl ow up from within you and provide you with everything you need to be all that Jesus has called you to be. So if you're still on the bank of this mighty Holy Ghost river, watching and wondering whether you should take the plunge, let me encourage you to go for it. Don't wait another minute. Jump on in... the water's fi ne! because through Him you're connected to accurate information. No matter how smart you are, humanly speaking, you're going to be disappointed in life and live way below God's best if you don't learn how to follow the voice of the Spirit. "But Gloria, I don't think God speaks to me like He does to you." Yes, He does. You just haven't been tuning in to Him. Jesus promised that His sheep would hear His voice (John 10:3). So believe that promise and begin to turn your ear toward Him by spending time each day in the Word and in prayer. As you do that, you'll fi nd there's a word from God—a prompting—whenever you need it about anything in life. I don't mean just in spiritual things either. God will give you answers and enlighten you about every situation if you'll just learn to fl ow in His Spirit. That's how Jesus operated when He was on earth. The Bible says, "the Holy Ghost descended...upon him" (Luke 3:22) and from that time on, He began to have manifestations of the Spirit in His ministry. Jesus said clearly that He didn't do the miracles, healings and other wonderful things that happened everywhere He went. He said it was the Father in Him who did them. Take the Plunge! Am I saying we can live like Jesus? Yes, I am! The same Spirit who came upon Jesus when He was baptized in the Jordan comes upon us when we're baptized in the Holy Spirit. And that Spirit gives us power to do the same works He did. If you doubt it, go back and read the book of Acts again. You'll see miracles performed, people healed, devils cast out—not by Jesus Himself, but by people like Peter, John, Philip, Stephen and Paul. Peter even raised a woman named Dorcas from the dead and "many believed in the Lord" (Acts 9:42). Of course they did! God never meant for people to have to believe that His Word is true just because we say so. He wants manifestations of the Spirit to accompany and confi rm it. T M

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