BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Feb 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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says, "Grandma, I want some ice cream," is that greed? No, that's simply a child wanting ice cream. So, why do you think it's being greedy to tell your heavenly Father what you want? It takes great faith to read Christ's teaching, ask for anything, and start believing. Mark 11:24 says, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receiveƒ them, and ye shall haveƒ them." The Message translation is especially powerful: "That's why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God- life, and you'll get God's everything." Everything. Pray for everything—spiritual, physical and fi nancial. Pray for it all. Become Revolutionary The teachings of Jesus are revolutionary because they're divine. He's di-vine, and we are di-branches! We must be revolutionary too. It's time we stand up for what we believe, no matter what—or as we say in Louisiana, "Come hell or high water." The Word of God is so powerful that it makes our brains want to tilt. But the Word of God is not soulish; it's spiritual. The fi rst sermon Jesus ever preached was in front of a crowd. In Luke 4:18 He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor." That was the beginning of the prosperity message. The fi rst thing on God's mind was not to fi nance poverty but to eradicate it. Then Jesus taught on healing the brokenhearted, then preaching deliverance to the captive, then recovering sight to the blind, then setting free them that are bruised, then preaching the acceptable year of the Lord. He closed the book and gave it to a minister and told the people to preach what He had preached—not their opinions. Renew Your Thoughts Many believers don't ask anything out of a misplaced sense of protection. They're trying to protect God's reputation by not asking for anything, especially not anything physical or fi nancial. They're afraid. But fear and faith can't cohabitate in your mind. Kenneth Copeland has often said, "Fear tolerated is faith contaminated." Each one of us must renew our minds— thought by thought. When thoughts come that tell us we can't ask for what we want, or we can't ask for something physical or fi nancial, or we can't ask for something because of what those around us might say, we're giving fear a place in our minds. Your everything has to be His anything— spiritual, physical, fi nancial. Faith and fear can't cohabitate. Faith must rule in order to obey God. You don't have to protect Christ's reputation. If people get o› ended because of what the Lord has promised you, then that's on them. That's not your responsibility. You don't have to protect Him. When thoughts come or people get o› ended at what the Lord has told me, I renew my mind thought by thought. They might say, "You can't have a Falcon 7X. You can't do that." I say, "I don't deal with 'can't.' Your world is can't. My world is 'I can do all things through Christ.'" And that's not only what I believe. It's what I know! B V O V : 2 3 Pray for everything— spiritual, physical and fi nancial. PRAY FOR IT ALL." "

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