BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Feb 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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TESTIMONIES OF REAL-LIFE He Knows Our Needs I received a larger-than- expected credit card bill; the money wasn't in the bank to cover it. I would usually freak out, but this time I just sat down and prayed about it. My answer was to give my tithe to EMIC fi rst, then Our Good Shepherd I was facing homelessness and called for you to pray with me. You prayed for the right roommates, and I now have four roommates in this small but awesome apartment. I have the whole amount of rent needed each month now not to worry. That very day I received the exact amount needed to pay the bill in full. I am so grateful for God and His promise for me not to worry, because it is in His hands. J.P | Utah and will not be homeless. Praise God; I am crying for joy. Thank You, Jesus, for Kenneth Copeland Ministries. You all mean the world to me. P.B. | California 'Go and See' My husband and I have been Partners with KCM for over 30 years. One of our daughters was told that her heart was functioning at 40%. One Friday, we took her to the emergency room where we prayed and stood on the Word of God. We had felt led to go to EMIC, and my daughter said, "Mom, just go to the church." We had planted seeds for her healing and God said, Go and see what I will do. So, we left San Antonio at 4 a.m. to make it to the service. We prayed with Pastor Terri and she had the whole church declare what we were believing for. On the way home, my daughter called and said, "My tests came back normal. The doctor said, 'Your heart is normal.'" God is so good, and I thank Him for our KCM and EMIC families. R.G. | Texas Redeemed and Delivered During the St. Louis Victory Campaign you showed a clip from The Chosen; and as I watched, the Spirit of God came into my house and delivered me from alcohol abuse. L.R. | Missouri 'God Is Good!' I ask for prayer on VICTORY Morning Prayer for increase in my fi nances and received a $350 per month raise. Thank you. God is good! C.G. | Texas 1 6 : B V O V One evening, I watched Pastor George and the fi rst episode of Inside the Vision. The next day, in my email, came the question from Pastor George, "Did you watch the broadcast?" Yes, I did and then in the email was the area where I wrote down my VISION. I received my Inside the Vision journal and am so happy with it. Now each day, as Words of Power I had three hospital bills totaling over $28,000. I received a letter from the hospital stating they had reduced my bill by 100%! How did this happen? I had been listening to George, Gloria and Gary Kesee, and relied on Isaiah 55:11. I kept speaking the promises of God, His Names and what those Names mean. Then I began reading The Laws of Prosperity and am so excited about learning spiritual prosperity! The power of the spoken Word is amazing! Speak it until you believe it. Thanks, KCM and all of you who teach the Word. B.C. | Kansas 'I Am Healed' I received my healing this morning watching the SWBC Healing School online. I am healed of all sinus issues and uid in my ear, with my sinus cavities drained and clear. Praise God, Jesus set us free! I walk in divine health. K.E. | Texas 'Grateful' When I saw the pilot for Inside the Vision, my spirit leaped. What a powerful show for us Partners. Keeping the vision in front of us is so exciting! I am grateful for my partnership with this ministry and the vision. It has changed my life and direction. Thank You, Jesus! D.O. | Pennsylvania Vision Ignited GOD shows me more about my vision, I can have it all together in one spot! N.C. | Tennessee 'Grateful' When I saw the pilot for my spirit leaped. What a powerful show for us Partners. Keeping the vision in front of us is so exciting! I am grateful for my partnership with this ministry and the vision. It has changed my life and direction. Thank You, Jesus! Faithful Restorer Thank you so very much for your prayers of agreement for my husband who had surgery for lung cancer, to have a speedy recovery without complications. When he had his return visit, the doctor said everything was ne and he can resume his daily activities. To God be all praise, glory and honor for all He has done. G.D. | Arkansas

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