words are spiritual seeds that, like physical
seed, produce after their own kind (see Mark
4). When you sow them in your heart they come
out of your mouth and become whatever they
are—for better or for worse.
You may not even be aware you've planted
those seeds. You might be like my granddaughter
was when she was carving pumpkins in the
backyard one October. (We don't do Halloween
in our family, but we do pumpkins.) She was
too busy carving smiley faces to notice the
pumpkin seeds that were falling o the table
and onto the ground. But her lack of awareness
didn't matter. Those seeds did what seeds do—
and a few months later there were pumpkins
growing under that table.
When it comes to our words, God doesn't
want us to be like that. He wants us to be aware
of what we're saying. He says, "I have set before
you life and death, BLESSING and cursing:
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy
seed may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19).
How do you choose life? You speak The
WORD of God. You speak life words!
I remember a story Brother Kenneth E.
Hagin, one of my mentors in the faith, used to tell
about a young man who started going downhill
physically just before his 40th birthday and
ended up in a coma. The young man's family
contacted Brother Hagin and asked him to pray,
but The LORD told him it would do no good.
Certain spiritual laws have been put into
motion that cannot be reversed at this time, He
Later, the young man's brother revealed what
had set those laws into motion. He said that
ever since he was a child, that young man had
said, "I'll never live to be 40." And he didn't.
That situation couldn't be changed. But that's
not the case with you. If you've been planting
bad seeds—saying things like, "I guess I'll just
always be sick (or broke)"—you can make a
change. You can stop speaking words of failure
and unbelief and start speaking words of faith
and victory. To see the results you desire,
though, you must be consistent about it. For as
The LORD told Gloria years ago, In consistency
lies the power.
Make the Decision Now
You can think thoughts and say them until
they get down into your spirit, and they will
change your life. If those thoughts and words
are contrary to God's WORD, they will change
you stream
Performing six of
his favorite songs
punctuated with
stories from his life
and ministry, Brother
Copeland sings:
• I'll Fly Away
• Until Then
• When He Was
on the Cross
• Just a Closer Walk
• Swing Low
• You Are So Beautiful
These tracks, enhanced by unique memories, will minister to your
heart every time you play them. Get a revelation of God's unfailing
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