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Here came prosperity in to take its place! With the help of Dr. Kenyon's little book, I began to discover that day that the entire New Testament (Covenant) was nothing but covenant. I couldn't help thinking of ALL the lies we as believers had been told—and perhaps believed and lived under for too long—all because we weren't taught, or didn't know, about covenant. I would never believe those lies again! Like Sir Henry Stanley, I had gotten a revelation of covenant, along with a sense of a new identity and level of power and authority equal to that of a king. By the time we landed in Houston that day, I was a new man—I was a covenant man! God's Love A air With Humanity All study and understanding of God's Blood covenants must start, and fi nish, with a revelation of these two things: God's glorious Love for mankind and the power of His WORD. As we've seen, Love is the driving force behind everything God says and does. It is the core of who He is. He is "the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations" (Deuteronomy 7:9). To the human mind, God's Love for us is itself a contradiction. Because we've all sinned and fallen short of His glory, His Love for us is almost beyond belief. Yet we will see throughout this covenant study, His fi erce, unconditional and eternal compassion and mercy are the essence of His very being. The Apostle John, who called himself the disciple Jesus loved and the one to whom Jesus entrusted His own mother, summed up this revelation with these three short words: "God is Love" (1 John 4:8). God's Love has been the motive and force behind all His covenants. In the beginning, God—the BLESSED One— created the heavens and the earth and initiated the Eden covenant by releasing BLESSING in and on His man and woman, crowning them with His glory and honor. And in the process of speaking that BLESSING into their destiny and their very being, He laid out this Eden covenant, as well as His purpose for mankind and all creation. The Eden covenant I am referring to is Isaiah 51:1-4, turning our lives back to the 6 : B V O V Abraham had belonged to Him, I began to see it! In God's agreement with Abraham, God promised to do anything for him. He promised to make Abraham great, make him rich, be his God, take care of him, protect him and give him land. Then in Dr. Kenyon's book I came across Galatians 3:29, "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." I'll never forget that moment. I was about cruising altitude, somewhere between Dallas and Houston. I remember because it was like a fog lifted or the clouds parted, and I saw clearly what my commitment to Jesus and my walk of Faith was all about. Talk about a life-changing realization! Even during my fi rst fi ve to six years of being a Christian, I had known next to nothing about the Bible. Now though, looking through the lens of Blood covenant, the Bible was starting to become less of a mystery. For the fi rst time in my life, I saw myself in The BOOK. I saw myself in the Bible! Suddenly, this marvelous old BOOK came to life—it was my story. It was my life, my connection, my agreement, my arrangement with God. I had just read that what was God's was Abraham's, and what was Abraham's was now mine. And as best as I could tell, God had pretty much promised Abraham everything! Sitting in a bulkhead seat near the front of the plane, the revelation and reality of covenant exploded inside me. You see, until my father in the Faith, Oral Roberts, eventually taught me better, for years I had heard the same lie most preachers had—that we had to be poor, especially as preachers. So, I told The LORD I needed more scriptures on this. And sure enough, here they came: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" (Galatians 3:13). There went poverty out the door! "That THE BLESSING of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith" (verse 14). Get Get Get your digital your digital your digital your digital your digital your digital magazine magazine magazine magazine magazine magazine magazine