BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Aug 2023

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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3 0 : B V O V AUG BVOV BROADCAST CALENDAR July 31-Aug. 4 Covenant In Blood Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens Sun., Aug. 6 God's Words Are Filled With Life Kenneth Copeland Aug. 7-11 The Covenant vs. the Contradiction Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens Sun., Aug. 13 Listen to What God's WORD Says to You Kenneth Copeland Aug. 14-18 Practicing His Presence Kenneth Copeland Sun., Aug. 20 Words of Faith Are Found In God's WORD Kenneth Copeland Aug. 21-25 Covenant Access to Healing Kenneth Copeland Sun., Aug. 27 Faith Works When You Believe In God's WORD Kenneth Copeland Aug. 28-Sept. 1 Listening to God In Prayer Kenneth Copeland Watch the Spanish broadcast Enlace or WATCH ON Broadcasts subject to change without notice Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. 11 a.m. | 7:30 p.m. | 10:30 p.m. Weekly broadcast: Sun. 6 a.m. | 8 p.m. also Mon. 4:30 p.m. | Sat. 7:30 a.m. | 8:30 p.m. ET C H A N N E L WATCH ON WATCH ON Daily broadcast: Mon. - Fri. 3 a.m. | 7 a.m. C H A N N E L God does the same for His people today. He makes a di erence between the righteous and the unrighteous. Well, I don't believe that's fair! someone might think. Yes, it is. It's absolutely fair! Anyone who chooses to can do what God says. Anyone can repent and receive His forgiveness. Anyone can receive Jesus as Lord, get born again, start obeying the Word, and take refuge in God. Jesus said, "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Revelation 22:17). That means it's our choice whether or not we receive God's righteousness and take Him as our refuge. It's also our choice whether or not we stay in that refuge day by day. If we choose not to, if we choose to step outside the protection of our covenant with God and live in disobedience to the Word, God won't be able to help us. He'll try to get correction to us, but if we ignore Him and insist on going our own way, we're going to experience the consequences. And we won't like them. Think again about the fi rst Passover night in Egypt and you'll see what I mean. Before the plague came, God told the Israelites to put the blood of the Passover lamb over their doorposts and then go inside their houses. "And none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning," He said (Exodus 12:22). What do you think would have happened to a fi rstborn Israelite if he decided to ignore God's instructions and go outside about midnight? He would have died—and it would have been his own responsibility because he chose to disobey. He decided to leave the protection of the blood and ignore God's Word. My friend and fellow believer, let's not make those kinds of choices in these dangerous times. Let's get more serious than we've ever been about the Word of God. Let's put our faith in God as our refuge, get rid of the trash in our lives, and do what's right. Then we'll be safe no matter what happens around us. We'll not only survive, we will thrive in the secret place of the Most High. Disobedience to God's Word is the doorway to everything bad! That's why James 1:22 says, "Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only." Christians who are hearers only live in dangerous territory. Doers live in security and safety. I want to be a doer, don't you? I want to do everything I can to live in obedience to the Lord. I want to think like the Bible says to think. I want to talk like the Bible says to talk, and act like the Bible says to act. I want to abide in the secret place of the Most High so I can be secure and safe even in times of national turmoil and judgment. "Gloria, are you saying our nation is headed for judgment?" you might ask. That's not my primary point, but I'll admit that it's possible. After all, the Bible clearly says things are going to get very bad on earth before Jesus comes. Personally, I'm praying that before the worst hits, our nation will awake to God and experience great revival. Then the Rapture can come and God can whisk us out of here. But regardless of how events unfold, regardless of how bad it gets before we leave, if God is your refuge you don't have to worry. As Proverbs 3:25-26 says, "You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the LORD is your security" (New Living Translation). As the righteous, you and I can survive national judgment or any other kind of danger! We can come through the worst times and end up more BLESSED than ever. If you want to see a picture of how it happens, read in the book of Exodus about what God did for the children of Israel the night before He brought them out of Egypt. Talk about a time of national judgment! On that night, all the fi rstborn in Egypt died because of the nation's rebellion against God. But in the midst of it all, the Lord protected and prospered His people. He fulfi lled the promise He made to them, that "against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a di erence between the Egyptians and Israel" (Exodus 11:7). Kenneth Copeland Greg Stephens

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