The end of this age is rapidly approaching,
and what the prophets have been saying
ever since the Bible was written is coming
to pass: The light of God is getting brighter
and the devil's darkness is getting darker.
Sin is absolutely running wild these
days. I'm amazed sometimes at how much
evil has increased just during my lifetime.
Acts of wickedness that were practically
unthinkable when I was growing up are
almost commonplace now.
Many people these days have gotten the
idea that sin really isn't a big deal. They
think we should be more tolerant of it.
Some are even proud of their sin and boldly
fl aunt it in the face of God.
If you've read Bible history, you know
that's not a smart thing to do. It makes
cultures increasingly violent and dangerous.
It opens the door to calamity, destruction
and ultimately, divine judgment.
Maybe this isn't a popular thing to say
these days, but I'm going to say it anyway:
Sin is not OK. It carries penalties with it.
Time to Time to
Take Take
Refuge Refuge
by Gloria Copeland
With every day that passes, I am increasingly
grateful that God has provided His people with
a place of refuge. I am also increasingly aware
that we'd better make sure we're in it 24 hours
a day, seven days a week.
We are living in dangerous times.
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