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I've always been somewhat of a foodie. I
like food. I enjoy eating and look forward to a
good meal with my family. Some of my favorite
memories are at the dinner table with people I
love—especially those meals at Thanksgiving
and Christmas where we laugh and cry
together, tell stories, eat delicious food, and
talk about the goodness of God.
To this day, my grandparents still laugh
when they tell the story of how I used to bless
the food as a little girl. They said I would bow
my head and close my eyes to pray, and then
I would begin to thank the Lord for EVERY
SINGLE item on the table. I was just so hungry
and excited that I didn't want to forget about
anything on my plate.
You can imagine this took forever, so
halfway through the prayer I would open one
There sits before you
a dish full of healing, a
pitcher of joy, a plate
of peace, a platter of
protection and prosperity."