BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Aug 2023

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hospital. I've got to take her to All Saints and get her into the NICU." "OK, let's do that." The Hidden Strength Within Jenny was still groggy, fi ghting to stay awake from the anesthesia. Someone was speaking to her. Looking up, she saw two doctors. "Your baby is dying, and we're taking her to another hospital." At the foot of her bed, Jenny saw Avery in an incubator. Then they were gone. "I had a friend staying with me while I was coming out of the anesthesia," Jenny remembers, "and what she witnessed was intense. She said I would wake up and speak the Word of God over Avery and then lie back down and fall asleep. I don't remember any of that. It's true that when life puts pressure on you, what you've put in really does come out. I had been taught to put the Word of God in me during my entire childhood and adult life. So, when the time came, I spoke the Word of God over my baby when I wasn't even conscious of it. "My mom came to the hospital and didn't leave my side. I thought I would be discharged on the second day, but the doctor said I was too anemic to leave. I fi nally got to go home on the third day and did nothing but sleep. In addition to the anemia, I'd developed an infection in my incision. "I didn't get to see Avery until the fourth day. She was still on a ventilator, and we couldn't hold her. The doctor told us that the chance that she would live was extremely low. Things weren't looking good. They decided to try blood transfusions. "Even though we were young and in our 20s, we knew the power of God's Word and felt there was a bubble of grace around us. There was never any doubt in my mind that she was going to live. We had agreed together and prayed. Because of what we had learned through Brother Copeland's teaching on the Blood Covenant, we weren't trying to get God to heal Avery. Healing already belonged to us. That was solid in my heart." Speaking the Word While Jenny recovered, Eddie went back to the NICU and stayed with Avery every night. He took his Bible and a little book of 75 healing scriptures. Sitting beside her, he continually spoke scriptures B V O V : 1 3 over her. During those nights, Eddie remembered how God had prepared him for this. Growing up in California, his family had been connected with KCM. They had attended their fi rst West Coast Believers' Convention in 1987. But Eddie didn't know anything about Commander Kellie or the Superkids, because he never attended the children's ministry. He had been so hungry for the meat of the Word that he always sat with his parents in the adult meetings. At night, when his brother went to sleep, Eddie stayed up for hours reading the Bible and listening to teachings by Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Savelle and Kenneth Hagin. Eddie had planned to become an engineer. However, when Jerry Savelle announced the opening of his Bible school, God told him to enroll. In time, he left California and moved to Fort Worth to attend Savelle's school. He also joined EMIC, where he became friends with Jeremy Pearsons, son of the church's pastors, George and Terri Copeland Pearsons. About the same time, he met Jenny Van Wagner, who also attended the Jerry Savelle Bible School and sang with the worship team at EMIC. Eddie had to believe that all those years of addition to the anemia, I'd developed "I didn't get to see Avery until the fourth day. She remembered how God had prepared him for this. Growing up in California, his family had been connected with KCM. They had attended their fi rst West Coast Believers' Convention in 1987. But Eddie didn't know anything about Commander Kellie or the Superkids, because he I would wake up and speak the Word of God over Avery and then lie back down and fall asleep. I don't remember any of that. It's true that when life puts pressure on you, what you've put in really does come out. I had been taught to put the Word of God in me during my entire childhood and adult life. So, when the time came, I spoke the Word of God over my baby "My mom came to the hospital and didn't leave my side. I thought I would be discharged on the second day, but the doctor said I was too anemic to leave. I fi nally got to go home on the third day and did nothing but sleep. In addition to the anemia, I'd developed Avery and then lie back down and fall asleep. I don't remember any of that. It's true that when life puts pressure on you, what you've put in really does come out. I had been taught to put the Word of God in me during my entire childhood and adult life. So, when the time came, I spoke the Word of God over my baby "My mom came to the hospital and didn't leave my side. I thought I would be discharged on the second day, but the doctor said I was too anemic to leave. I fi nally got to go home on the third day and did nothing but sleep. In addition to the anemia, I'd developed remembered how God had prepared him for this. Growing up in California, his family had been connected with KCM. They had attended their fi rst West Coast Believers' Convention "There was never any doubt in my mind that she was going to live. We had agreed together and prayed. All I could think about was Brother Copeland's teaching on the Blood Covenant." —Jenny

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