BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

April 22

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Testimonies of Real-Life VICTORY Standing Together This note is to say a huge thank you for VICTORY Channel™ broadcasting the truth in America. We rejoice in your courage and prayers to bring our nation through this terrible mess Satan has created, and the ignorance that such hate and anger bring out. I do stand with you and all the prayer warriors who are in great faith to see this cleaned up. J.V. | Indiana ‘Shalom’ My knee was healed by watching Sister Gloria Copeland’s preaching about shalom (wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken) and Billye Brim ministering on it. With the two messages I started confessing the Word of God; by faith my knee felt better until there was no pain. Thank you so much, KCM Africa. P.R. | South Africa Receive the Blessing I’ve needed a job...and listening to "Morning Prayer," heard my name called out and took the blessing. I then received a call from an old boss that night to come in for work. I thought this might encourage others to receive when they hear a blessing that they need. R.S. | Ohio ‘Instantly Healed!’ During the 2021 VICTORYTHON™, Rick Renner called out someone who was in such stomach pain that they were holding their stomach. That is exactly what I was doing, so I claimed healing and was instantly healed! C.B. | Illinois Student of Faith I kept watching the "BVOV" broadcasts on faith. As a third year Ph.D. student, I was believing God to win the prize for the best research paper. The other students in my class all had much more training than I. I kept repeating that I am the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, able to do all things through Christ which strengthens me, even when my research was not going well. I submitted my paper and kept standing on the Word of God; then the Ph.D. program supervisor emailed to say I was the winner! I knew this was the miracle-working hand of God in my life and the beginning of a great journey, as I have learned to continue to have faith in His Word, despite what circumstances may look like. I am a Partner with KCM and thank God for this ministry sowing into the lives of others. You are truly making a difference. K.S. | Massachusetts * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “Patience is the force that keeps you operating in faith, standing strong until the manifestation comes.” —Kenneth Copeland * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Victory Won! I grew up Jewish Reform, and met my wife, who is Christian, 12 years ago. She immediately told me that if I wanted to hang out with her on Sundays, she would be at church. I decided to go with her. [After we married and] shortly after our first son was born, I gave my heart to the Lord. It is amazing how Jesus has moved in our lives recently! Within the past eight months all the members of our family have been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Praise God! Our family would not be where we are in our spiritual walk without our pastor, or VICTORY Channel™ and the frequent guests we have been introduced to on "FlashPoint." Keep fighting the good fight knowing that the victory has already been won! M.S. | Virginia *************** SHOP *************** ‘Hearing From Heaven’ Thank you so much for Gloria's book "Hearing From Heaven." It came just when I needed it. The anointed message has stirred my spirit to go deeper still! M.C. | Pennsylvania God’s Saving Power As we floated down a river, my husband’s float flipped; he went under and couldn’t surface. My daughter and I couldn't swim back to help him. I prayed in the spirit and took authority, asking God to send angels to help. The last thing I saw as I turned a corner was two young men jump into the water to help. We rode down the river for two hours. I had to keep my faith to give testimony to my daughter, who had stopped going to church, that we can trust God in every situation. My heart was at peace as we continued down, praising God and giving thanks for my husband's safety. When we were able to land, police officers told me that my husband was fine and waiting for us. God showed up with His power to save him and show my daughter that He is Almighty God. Thank God for KCM and the teachings about using our authority and how to pray in moments of crisis. C.M. | Florida 24 : BVOV

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