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It’s Not Quittin’ Time by Kenneth Copeland A number of years ago, Gloria and I hosted a ministers’ conference during a time when there was tremendous pressure bearing down on men and women in ministry—pressure like I had never seen before. There was pressure on Gloria and me. There was pressure on everyone we knew. And I remember all of us dragging ourselves into that meeting. It seemed like we could barely pick our feet up and walk because of the heaviness we were feeling. If you had taken a poll, probably most of us would have been willing to quit and go dig ditches—anything just to get out from under the pressure we were experiencing. Actually, a lot of the people who showed up at that meeting were on the verge of quitting. And had they not heard from God, they probably would have. Well, we didn’t quit. The power of God swept through that meeting and we recommitted ourselves with an even greater resolve to finish our course. We reloaded our guns and went at it again. Bulldoggin’ the Devil Today the pressure is back—and I’m not just talking about preachers this time. Believers everywhere are under pressure like never before. That’s why I want to encourage you...don’t quit! No matter how intense the pressure gets—remember this: If you don’t quit, you won’t fail. I know from my own life and ministry, when pressure like what we’re seeing today starts building and building, that’s the time we’re tempted to ease up on The WORD of God, relax our faith and back off from God’s plans for our lives. Don’t do it! The pressure we’re seeing is just the devil trying to steal The WORD, contaminate our faith and cut our lives short (see Mark 4). With all the pressure Jesus experienced during His walk on this earth, the Bible talks about Him setting His face like a flint (Isaiah 50:7; Luke 9:51). Nothing, especially no devil from hell, was going to keep Him from fulfilling His destiny. If anything, this is the time to press in harder. Double up on The WORD, increase your giving, recommit yourself to the task God has set before you. As you do, you will find yourself stepping up to a higher place in God...a higher place in power. I remember what my grandfather told me over 70 years ago. I was on his farm in West Texas, chopping cotton with him one day. He had hired a bunch of people to help us work his crop. As usual, my grandfather was outworking and outpacing every one of us. I was a young boy, he was up in years, but I still couldn’t keep up with him. In fact, one of the hired workers asked me, “When does the old man fall down?” Well, he didn’t. He never did. And it was a mystery to me. So, I asked him that day, “Papa, how come I can never stay up with you?” “You really want to know?” he said. “Yes,” I replied. 18 : BVOV