BVOV Magazine 2013 - present

Jan : Feb 21

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at

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Free at Last by Melanie Hemry A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the pecan tree as Christy Ennis relaxed in her Adirondack chair, sipping iced tea. She loved feeling the warmth of the late afternoon sun on her face as she watched her two sons, 5-year-old Garrett and 2-year-old Jacob, play in the shade. Inside, 12-year-old Brittany listened to music in her room. From time to time, she dashed outside to show her mother her latest project. Christy closed her eyes and listened to the glorious sounds. The sound of her sons’ chortling laughter. Music playing from Brittany’s room. They were the sounds of a now happy family who had moved on after the divorce. No longer were there threats from a shotgun. No longer was there the possibility the kids would find needles or narcotics lying around. No more abuse or addiction. Now, they were safe in the little cottage in Oklahoma City that Christy’s dad had helped her buy out of foreclosure. Tom (not his real name), Christy’s ex-husband, had once been a wealthy stockbroker. Now out of work, and addicted to narcotics, he was living with his parents. They watched closely over their son—making sure he didn’t drive unless he was sober. They provided a safe place for the children to visit their father. The door slammed as Brittany ran outside. “Mommy, Natasha invited me to spend the weekend with her at her grandmother’s lake house! Can I go? Please?” “I’m sorry, Baby, I can’t let you go. This is your dad’s weekend, and he’ll be here any minute.” An hour later, when Tom had not arrived, Christy gave in. “All right, you can go.” Brittany left in a rush of joyful goodbyes. When Tom finally arrived, Christy noted that he was sober. She kissed Garrett and turned to help Jacob buckle up. “I do it Mommy! I big boy!” He clicked the strap in place with a wide, toothy grin. “You are a big boy!” Christy said as she kissed Jacob and double-checked that he was securely fastened. She waved until they were out of sight. 24 : BVOV

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